The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their True Love During Venus Trine Jupiter On November 15, 2022

A heart full of love.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their True Love During Venus Trine Jupiter On November 15, 2022 LaylaBird from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

Everyone asks about their true love, and when, where, how, and who it is that fits this bill. We seem to have it in our mind that we're all destined to be with this one special person, the fated true love.

We've seen our friends pair off into wondrous relationships, so why not us? Well, here's the thing about finding one's true love...what may not count for 'eternal and perfect' love may very well be a very good love that isn't worth passing up because it's not stamped 'true.'


Love is here and now, and during Venus trine Jupiter, you either grab it, or you watch it slip on by.

Three zodiac signs in astrology will accept that the love they find during this transit is not only 'true' but perfect 'as is.'



This is healthy and leads to happiness. If you are one of these zodiac signs, then this entire blog is a sign for you to accept the good with the bad in relationships, and all truths are 'true.'


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Don't waste your time trying to create Frankenstein monsters out of lovers; this means that it's best to love a person for who they are, rather than trying to construct an ideal person out of several different ideals.

On November 15, 2022, many of us will have the chance to meet our true loves, and that's when we will be put to the test. If someone comes into your life, accept them.

Don't look for signs, or attitudes, and don't look to agree with every topic you bring up. Look for the heart and soul in the person and take a chance: this may be your true love, but you have to open your 'good eyes' in order to see them.


The three zodiac signs who find their true love during Venus trine Jupiter on November 15, 2022:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

You know who your true love is, but time and experience have kept you from admitting it to yourself. You simply can't deal with the kind of vulnerability that comes with giving yourself so totally to another, and while loving them is the best thing that's ever happened to you, you still fear rejection, ironically.

Your true love is the person you are madly in love with, right now. They are not going to hurt young people on some deep level, you know it, but trusting this feeling, well, that's your final frontier, so to speak.

If you admit what you already know as the truth, you'd readily admit that the person you are with is, indeed, your true love. Looks like you have everything you need, Taurus. Now, go out there and trust your person...see what happens!


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2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

You are someone who wants no hassle, especially when it comes to your love life. You hope to meet someone someday that simply accepts you as you are, and adores you for all that you bring them.

You are looking for someone who balances you out, and there's someone in your life, right now, who does just that...except you haven't come to realize this, just yet. Could it possibly be that the person you are with — yes, the one you enjoy all the time and have the best experiences with — is your true love?

Yes, Leo, this is the one. Do yourself a favor and don't over-analyze it. If you look for signs that this is the one, you'll never get one. It's about looking at the big picture, your own reaction, and the consideration of Venus trine Jupiter in your life. Your true love is right in front of your nose.


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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

The irony of your life is that you only seem to get it, after the fact. You are guilty of not being able to see the forest for the trees, as it's said, and that means you're not fully present for the truth when it does actually show up.


In your case, you've known of your love of a lifetime for years, but you never treated them in such a way. This person may not even be your romantic partner at this point, but they will certainly become that sooner than you think.

This person shows signs of great integrity and you already know you can trust them with your heart and your life. It might be time to admit to yourself that this person is indeed the one you could call your 'true love.'

During Venus trine Jupiter, you may need to make a choice as to whether or not you want to know them as a friend or cross that bridge into a true romance.

RELATED: How To Manifest Real, True Love


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
