The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships From September 26 - October 2, 2022
To be truly loved, you need to be your true self.

Four zodiac signs are at risk of falling out of love and ending their relationships from the week of September 26, 2022, to October 2, 2022.
As Mercury turns direct in Virgo and Mars in Gemini continues its journey through its pre-shadow retrograde phase it is a time of heightened emotions and truth.
Since Mercury turns retrograde in September, making six planets that were in this state of reflection, it has been challenging to know what direction to ultimately go in.
Action is not favored under these terms because it means that more than likely you are not operating from a full place of knowledge.
Instead, you needed to continue to travel through the retrograde tunnel to understand just where you would be on the other side.
Now as this begins to draw near, for some it also means an end to their relationship is as well.
Relationships that end during a retrograde phase, especially Mercury, tend to eventually come back around.
That does not mean that you should wait until October 2nd to end things but only that it is better to be sure before you make a decision.
An essential component of this is trusting yourself which comes from knowing yourself.
The energy this week will also highlight where you gave yourself away in order to try to keep the relationship going, yet no matter how much you sacrificed, it never seemed to be enough.
Make sure to honor yourself this week, to embrace your truth and the worthiness that you will never have to sacrifice who you truly are in order to actually be loved.
The four zodiac signs who fall out of love and end relationships starting September 26 - October 2, 2022
1. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
A big part of relationships is being able to express your own feelings and truth and release control over the outcome or manner in which your partner will take it. This means that you also need to be secure within yourself to release the need to change your own self in order to make a relationship work.
Likely these are the issues that will arise this week. It is something that is common to go through in your romantic life because of course you do not want to lose someone that you love, but someone that you love also should never make you lose yourself.
This is actually what is most important and what will come to a head this week as Mercury turns direct into Virgo.
There has been an ongoing theme of how much you share or show to your partner since the beginning of August but there has been no outcome or finality to it.
This week will bring some deep realizations or even decisions regarding this theme in your relationship. Make sure that you do not blame your partner for not accepting your truth when you were the one that withheld it.
It does not mean that it is one person's fault or not though and while there may be a tendency to blame someone for the choices that you made or feel like you had to make, it does not mean that fault lies with anyone.
You will have to breathe through this week as you have to challenge your sense of security to make sure that you are honoring your own self regardless of the outcome, this is also the only way to know if it is genuinely love or not.
2. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
Venus moving into your sign seems like a positive thing, however, it also brings up a lot of your own feelings and how you have been loving yourself recently.
When you are a Libra Sun, it means that Venus moving into your sign means that it lights up your sense of self, your own beliefs and how you feel about yourself. This can come back to self-worth, self-love, or even self-confidence.
Venus is the planet that rules love when it occurs in this part of your life though it actually is more about the love that you have for yourself rather than what you share with another partner.
You may realize this week that you have put a lot of time and energy into another relationship and in the process have actually abandoned yourself. The best healthiest relationship is the one that helps you become more yourself, never less. As Venus returns to this part of your life you will be invited to refocus on yourself and what is most meaningful to you.
A lack of how you feel about yourself is never something that a relationship can make up for, no matter how much you or even they want that to be true. It may be time to take a break from your relationship, either temporarily or even permanently.
Only you know if this is a case of needing to work on yourself a bit before you are ready or if this relationship has actually been preventing you from incorporating more of the work that you have been moving through.
3. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
It seems that recently you are being thrown back into the mix of feeling like there is a lot going on but not having any idea where to start. Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are once again facing off in the sky and will be for most of October which means that this energy is one that is not only going to be lingering but is also going to be part of a bigger purpose of change for you.
This energy dynamic was one that dominated last year and is still being finished this year. In the background, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus is having you focus on the themes of freedom and restriction in terms of how you are seen by others versus who you know you truly are.
This week Saturn in Aquarius aligns with Mars in Gemini making you reflect on what it is that you truly value.
Value is something that is often associated with finances, but it also has to do with those that we feel are most important to our life. It is the people that we love that we care for and that we value. It may be that you have let something slide that is actually really important to you because you are more concerned with how others think about you than whether or not you are honoring your own truth or not.
When this happens, it can destroy relationships and it seems this week, something big is ending in your life or at the very least bringing things to your head so you can decide where to go from here.
4. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
You have been in a time of transition, but what is felt most problematic is that you do not know how you truly feel about your life and your relationship. Mars enters Gemini a month ago and since then you have really been reflecting on your relationship and whether you need to deepen the commitment or let it go altogether.
Part of this is that while it has not felt like anything is quite wrong, you cannot say particularly that anything actually feels right either.
Part of this is that you are getting settled with this new phase of your life that you are in and seeing continual progress. When changes happen, they can often leave you feeling unsettled.
This week though, all of these feelings peak as Saturn in Aquarius joins up with Mars inspiring you to see things from a unique perspective.
You are meant to learn something from this process that you are currently in, but this week because of that feeling that you need to do something you may end up walking away from a relationship that truly is not one that is bad or unhealthy.
If you can find another outlet to channel your own energy, then that might save you from having to have harder conversations later on. If you do end up deciding to break up, just know that there is also a chance it may eventually come back around.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.