3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Betrayed During Venus Conjunct Pluto Starting December 16, 2021

We always know it's going to happen.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Betrayed During Venus Conjunct Pluto Starting December 16, 2021 fizkes/Shutterstock.com

One of the most awful things about being betrayed is that we always know it's going to happen.

Yes, of course, sometimes it happens as a shock, but most times we kind of know that something like this could happen; it's the magnitude of its damage that we cannot predict. Betrayal is common, but rarely is it ever something we can deal with easily.

During Venus Conjunct Pluto, some of us will get to experience betrayal once again, and it will break our hearts.


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And what's worse is that this betrayal is NOT one we expected, which is why it will feel all the more horrendous when it comes out way. A total betrayal always comes undercover, and when it hits, we will be gobsmacked.

When we talk about betrayal, the first thing that comes up is the idea of our partner cheating on us; it's always about sex or loving someone other than us.

Trust is what keeps relationships afloat, and often times that trust is based on monogamy. When monogamy collapses, so does trust, and so does the relationship.


This kind of surprise comes to us during Venus Conjunct Pluto. And for some zodiac signs, it's going to be worse than for others.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Betrayed During Venus Conjunct Pluto Starting December 16, 2021:


(November 22 - December 21)

You are the person who likes to pretend all is well in your relationship, even when you suspect things are much worse than they really are. You know something is up. You sense that your partner has not been faithful, but the idea of confronting them sounds hellacious; what if they blow up? What if they are innocent?

What if it's all in your mind? Here's the thing, Sagittarius, and you know this deep down inside: your intuition is on point and what you intuit is actually happening.


Your partner is cheating on you, and they will continue to as long as you let it. Now, you're not the person who lets this happen, although you're not altogether ready to confront them on their behavior. Venus Conjunct Pluto will not let this go away, however, and sooner or later you're going to have to face your betrayal, and your betrayer.

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(January 20 - February 18)

What's important for you to know, Aquarius is that it is you who are being betrayed and that it's not your fault. Your tendency during times like these is to punish yourself — don't. You have been lied to by a partner, and yes, your suspicions are correct: they have someone else and yes, they have lied to you.


You need to be strong now, and while Venus Conjunct Pluto can bring harsh realities to the forefront, you must not react to this negative information with self-destructive behaviors.

Pluto energy is dark and can affect you the wrong way, making you think you are to blame for any of this — you're not to blame. This is on your partner. What's on you now is to assess, to acknowledge the damage done, to heal, and move


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(February 19 - March 10)


That thing is about to happen, and you absolutely know what this refers to: your suspicions are about to be confirmed. You've had doubts for a while now over whether or not your partner is completely faithful to you, and during Venus Conjunct Pluto, you'll receive the news you need in order to confirm what will be forever known in your life as a major betrayal.

Ooof! This is NOT what you wanted, but then again, you've always known something like this could happen. Betrayal came in seed from a long time ago; you knew it would blossom into this dreadful flower, and now is the time for you to either remove that weed from your garden or leave the garden altogether. It's not what you wanted, but your action will be required.

RELATED: How Your Zodiac Sign Handles Confrontation


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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 
