3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On December 24, 2021

Today is all about socializing and enjoying life.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On December 24, 2021 Herrndorff/Shutterstock.com

Just in time for Christmas Eve the Moon will shift into Leo, making us feel more social and outgoing.

The Moon governs our internal self which depending on the sign that it’s in can have us retreating for quiet but today is definitely not the day for that.

In Leo we will have a more playful attitude and will want to socialize and make the most of any holiday gatherings that we may have.

It should really help put us in a festive mood even if it feels like there are still things that we need to deal with.


Sometimes when we show up to our life feeling greater joy and being more open to interactions and conversations with others, the other things tend to take care of themselves.

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Now today isn’t without some tension or at least possible surprise moments as we build towards the third and final square between Saturn and Uranus tomorrow.

But as long as we are aware that there could be other forces at play, we should be able to make the most of the lighthearted energy.

Leo likes to be the center of the show and while at times a tad too dramatic, it is a sign that enjoys a good time and loves to laugh and enjoy itself.


Although the Moon does move into Virgo later in the day, this shouldn't put any sort of damper on any parties or gatherings we may have.

This should be a great sign that today and tonight are perfect for any holiday festivities we may have, especially as things may become more challenging tomorrow.

December of this year offers some big moments in astrology, not just to enjoy ourselves but to also put some final pieces on the growth that we’ve been working towards.

The most important thing to remember though is there is no need to rush it because sometimes, especially in times of big change, what we all need is just a day off from figuring things out to just have fun and that’s exactly what today is.


Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On December 24, 2021:


(July 23 - August 22)

As the Moon moves through your sign today you will be feeling a burst of positive energy. It’s been a pretty good month for you as Sag is a fellow fire sign, so you’ve felt supported to be yourself and haven’t had to be the subject of too much disruptive energy.

Not that you’re going to completely escape the Venus Retrograde we’re all in but for the most part, anything that you’ve been going through has really been activating your sixth house which governs health. So, you may be looking at how your routines, diet, or even home life support your best self.

But another part of having that health house activated is remembering to make time to have a good time. Sometimes you do get too caught up in doing that, you don’t just let yourself be and so today is a chance to do just that.


The astrology transits that we will see exact tomorrow affect your houses of career and relationships, so while you probably know that there are things coming up which you will need to decide on, you can also choose today to put yourself first.

Sometimes even when we truly care about something or even someone, we have to be able to put our happiness first and choose for ourselves exactly what we will be doing today. It’s a perfect day to just celebrate with friends and family and trust that everything else can be left for another time.

RELATED: Venus Retrograde Horoscopes, December 19, 2021 - January 29, 2022


(January 20 - February 18)


It’s almost like the Universe is celebrating with you today as you are feeling the energy from the impending Uranus-Saturn square begins to make its way into your life. Don’t worry though, since Saturn has been hanging out in your sign all year you’ve already done the heavy lifting required of this transit.

Now it’s time to see what happens when we actually face what is most difficult and deal with our own set of karmic lessons. The past year has had so many changes and big lessons that now you are being invited to simply appreciate and value all you’ve been through.

With the Moon in Leo today you should feel more social than introverted so take advantage of that and let your light shine. Part of this year has been about you are embracing your true self regardless of what else is going on or who else you’re around.

It’s the lesson of learning to just be simply yourself. Today is an opportunity to do just that. You’ll feel like actually being the star of the party or even gathering for two which will let you have almost a magnetic energy about you. As much as you make time to deal with what you need to, make sure to also enjoy the rewards of all your work too.


RELATED: What Does Your Moon Sign Mean? Discover Your Emotional Personality, According To Astrology


(April 20 - May 20)

As an earth sign, you should have felt a switch as we moved into Cappy Season which will prompt you to start looking at what foundations you have set up in your life. But this is actually a positive because as much as you try to be grateful sometimes you do get so focused on the next, you tend to not always truly see what you already have.


This is going to be a lead-in for such a positive holiday season that you might actually be feeling a little more emotionally mushy than you usually do.

And not just in a romantic way but truly seeing many of your interactions and relationships differently than you sometimes have. Uranus is still working through his seven-year cycle in your sign so there are always changes in store for you but today it is more about feeling grateful for everything that has already happened.

The thing is that when we’re grateful it also leads to others feeling more grateful for us so don’t be surprised if others in your life suddenly become more emotionally expressive in their feelings or appreciation towards you. Just practice receiving all the kindness and love that you deserve.

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.