3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 25, 2021
Being in alignment with ourselves will allow us to be in flow with life.

There is a more sensitive and empathetic energy today for three zodiac signs who will have a great day on October 25, 2021, and with the Scorpio Sun and transitioning Gemini to Cancer Moon creating the space of feeling safe to embrace our emotional self.
While the Moon is transitioning today, we may suddenly feel more at peace or have a greater ease in working through challenging situations, or even just get a break from that feeling that we have to do something no matter what that might be.
By the end of the day, we will have both our Sun and our Moon in water signs which means that feelings will be ruling our energy and our responses.
After so much activity during the last few weeks of October with planets turning direct and that powerful Aries Full Moon, it’s now time to begin to slow down so that we can feel where we are internally instead of letting others judge us externally.
Progress in life isn’t all about what we do, but instead in those decisions that we make with ourselves when the rest of the world is quiet. Those are the moments that there is no going back from, the moments which propel us forward into those new chapters inspiring soul centered change because it’s rooted in our own authentic truth.
This is what today is all about.
With the Sun in Scorpio, we may be presenting as more emotional, more intense and even passionate, but the Cancer Moon will be asking us to take a step back; to retreat into quiet and to give ourselves the space that is necessary to feel everything that we haven’t given ourselves time to just yet.
It’s a chance to see if where we’re headed is actually in alignment with who we want to be.
Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 25, 2021:
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
After a very rocky October, things should start improving for you. While Libra Season is beneficial for thought processes and making plans, it’s not always the best for being able to feel like there’s time to feel or to simply be in a moment without rushing off to be somewhere else.
Under the energy of today you’ll be encouraged to not necessarily retreat to your protective shell, but to slow down, to be quiet, to enjoy time with those that add to your peace instead of taking away from it. During this time allow others to show up to support, hold space and even love you.
You don’t have to be the one to always do that for others and actually being able to receive it from another is a huge part of your personal journey.
But that feeling of being safe enough while tied to the other person or people if it’s a group of friends, is actually part of your job for yourself.
Reflect today on how in alignment with your truth you feel and if the life that you’re currently living is based on that or in an outgrown version of who you thought you’d become.
Let things be simple and make the choice to come back home to yourself, because it’s here where life begins.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
To say that you’ve been on an intense journey recently is an understatement, but the space that you’re in now is completely different.
You are emerging on the other side or possibly feel like you already have.
Remember that there are some tunnels in life that we only are asked to travel through once, so even if it was challenging or felt like it took every ounce of energy from you to complete, if you truly learned what you were meant to, you’ll never have to do it again.
Today for you it is simply about rest. There has been a lot going on in your life, so today as things feel quiet, you feel more at peace and like there aren’t any current fires to be put out you are being asked to take a break from all the doing and instead just be.
Whether this means time by yourself, with friends or even a lover, take the time today to just enjoy the work that you’ve been doing to create this life.
Take the chance to process all of your feelings, whether it’s tears, exhaustion or just sublime happiness that everything that has transpired recently has led you to this moment. Because while you can take on the world, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do it every day.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Feelings sometimes are not the most comfortable place for you as they tend to have no place in logic or rationale. Today though, you’re asked to suspend what you normally believe and give the feelings of your heart the same credit and validity that you do to all those long-term plans you are able to think of and manifest.
Sit with yourself today, place your hand on your heart and see what it’s trying to tell you. What it feels about everything that you’ve been through lately and listen to it. Really listen to what it’s trying to say.
Because sometimes you do get so absorbed in what’s next or in figuring out the details you forget that the biggest most important truth you'll ever need to know is always based on what your heart is feeling.
There is no wrong way to go about this, but you do need to make time for this process. Everything that you’ve done has brought you to where you are now, with the growth and the success that you can enjoy, but you know you need to make time for what it is you feel.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.