Which Superhero Your Zodiac Sign Is Like, According To Astrology
It's National Superhero Day! Which superhero is your zodiac sign most like?

Break out your capes, swords, and shields! It's National Superhero Day today! From Marvel's Avengers to D.C.'s Justice League, our favorite superheroes have been saving the world in highly successful film and comic book franchises for years.
There's a secret side to everyone, and even though some zodiac signs may feel ordinary, even you have moments when you act extraordinarily in heroic ways.
Maybe this is why humans, no matter what sign in astrology they are, are so obsessed with their superheroes and are fascinated by the superhero alter ego personality type.
Films about superheroes continually make over 100 million dollars, and it seems that one film outdoes the next when it comes to box-office success. Clearly, there's an audience for this genre.
Whether you are someone who sees a superhero movie every so often or are a fan who's been reading the comic books for years, there's something both entertaining and magical about the superhero universe.
Even though we are seeing a constant flow of superhero films released, the genre is anything but new. April 2018 marked the 80th anniversary of Superman. We've seen variations on characters like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and The Hulk throughout the years, and depending on what generation you grew up, you may prefer one version over another.
We look up to them. They all have their flaws but at the end of the day, they are always the good guys who are out to help those in need. They give us hope.
When we read the news and constantly see so much heartbreak, sometimes the escapism is a refreshing change of pace, even for just several hours. Our favorite superheroes, however, can also inspire us to take their ideas and use them in our own lives.
We might not become a mask-wearing vigilante, but we can choose to help make the world a better place.
They may have incredible powers that we regular humans just don't have, but there are also things we share in common with them too. Using astrology, we can see which superhero you relate most to when your entire horoscope is taken into consideration.
Read below to see who is your superhero alter ego that matches your zodiac sign's personality type the most, per astrology.
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: The Flash
Speed is the name of the game for The Flash. Just like this D.C. comics superhero, the Aries zodiac sign is also looking for dynamic speed and competition in everything they do. Much like the enthusiasm that The Flash had to join the Justice League - or race again Superman himself - an Aries loves a good physical challenge. Both are courageous and optimistic as well.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Batman
In the same vein of their superhero alter-ego Batman, a Taurus is someone who is powerful, yet still responsible and practical. Another trait you have in common with Batman is that you are surrounded by material pleasures. Batman, A.K.A. Bruce Wayne, is a billionaire that not only has wealth in his everyday life, but lots of exciting gadgets to use as he battles crime on the streets of Gotham City.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Captain America
As one of the original members of the Avengers team, Captain America is a very witty and social hero. At the same, however, he's also serious and thoughtful. These are traits that he shares with you, the Gemini zodiac sign. Captain America, like a Gemini, is also very adaptable. Considering he went from living in the 1940's to the present day, he's very good at adapting to his surroundings.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: The Hulk
Cancers tend to be very emotional and have frequent mood swings. If this sounds familiar when it comes to the superhero universe, then you'll already know that your alter ego is The Hulk. When he gets upset, Bruce Banner turns into his own green superhero alter ego. Let's just hope when a Cancer gets upset, they can handle those moody moments a little more calmly.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Iron Man
The Leo superhero alter ego is Iron Man himself! Much like this leader of the Avengers squad, Leos exude a lot of confidence but also a sense of arrogance, much like Tony Stark. Both enjoy living life to the fullest and using their mind to solve difficult problems. Seeing as how Tony engineered his Iron Man suit, he's definitely very smart at figuring things out.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Spiderman
Spiderman is definitely one of - if not the most - shy of all the superheroes, which is something that he shares in common with the Virgo zodiac sign. He may be shy but like a Virgo, he's also very kind and hardworking as well — not bad company at all.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Black Panther
As the King of Wakanda, Black Panther - or T'Challa - is someone who is peaceful, fair, and social. These are traits that he shares with you, the Libra zodiac sign. A great leader does not stand for injustice, nor does Black Panther or a Libra.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Thor
The superhero with the hair and the hammer. Your alter ego is Thor. He's a powerful superhero who, like a Scorpio, is not afraid to assert himself. However, both you and Thor can also be very distrusting. In Thor's case, it makes sense though, especially when it comes to the complicated relationship he has with his brother Loki.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Star-Lord
Star-Lord is definitely one the funniest superheroes out there. Who could forget his hilarious impression of Thor after meeting him? That takes courage! Like a Sagittarius, Star-Lord is an extrovert with a great sense of humor. Both of you are also enthusiastic as well.
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Superman
Superman is easily one of the oldest and most-beloved superheroes of all time. He fights for 'truth, justice, and the American way'. The son of Krypton, who grew up on a farm in Smallville is very family oriented, responsible, and disciplined, which are traits he shares with the Capricorn sign.
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AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is more popular than ever and lucky for Aquarius, this is your superhero alter ego! Wonder Woman is a hero who is a deep thinker and passionate about trying to save the world. An Aquarius, like Wonder Woman, is also someone who lives to help others and fighting for causes they believe in.
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
Your zodiac sign's superhero alter-ego: Black Widow
Black Widow is a prominent hero in the Marvel universe, and she is your superhero alter ego. A Pisces is a very intuitive and gentle zodiac sign that achieves the best relationships with people. For Black Widow, nowhere is this more evident that her relationship with The Hulk. She is the one who can calm him down and bring him back to being Bruce Banner again.
Jill Zwarensteyn is a writer and Michigan native who focuses on zodiac, astrology and pop-culture topics.