25 Times This Insta-Poet's Words Felt Like A Nice, Warm Hug

Get the tissues ready.

Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love @blackbird.poet

When you're feeling down, sometimes you just need a little pick-me-up to turn your day around, or sometimes your entire week. Why not have that pick-me-up be a poem?

Instagram poet Mary Hutchinson has been up, down and around the block with communicating through her words. She uses her poetry to not only tell a story, but convey a clear an distinct message of empowerment and overcoming adversity.

Her words vary from speaking about heartache, to triumph, and every middle-ground in between. Just look at what she's publishing: it's always something referring to the heart and how even in the darkest times, we can still find our brightest lights


Though new to poetry, Mary is no stranger to writing. "I started a little over a year ago and was first inspired by a good friend that already had been writing," said Mary. "But ever since I could remember, I had always enjoyed writing." She's always felt comfortable using her words to communicate what she's REALLY feeling: whether it was as a teenager writing her parents sappy notes for favors, or chatting with her penpal abroad.

"I wrote my boyfriend letters and sprayed perfume on them just so he would have my scent with him at nights when I wasn’t with him." Classic movie move. You couldn't ask for anything more romantic than that!


Her words are totally inspiring. Her words are powerful. And her words may be just what you need to make it through whatever hardship is currently standing in your way. 

If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotesinspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Thank you, for seeing me the way I can't see myself sometimes."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"You can't change the color of a bird's feathers but you can set it free and watch it fly."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Hope is a twinkle in your eyes, a feeling in your gut, and the magic within to never give up."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"I still remember the nights your voice would lull my soul like waves crashing ashore. My head on your chest, I listened to the beating for it distracted the demons that tormented me."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"We have been on separate roads unable to merge, destined to be apart, but we continue to follow one another in hopes that one day there will be a merging lane ahead." 




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Just when my heart wants to give up, I think about how the sun sets after it retires from warming up the Earth so that the moon can take over as it brings light to the darkness. Their devotion is unbreakable, much like our connection."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"If only the rain would pour down on me with such intensity that it would cleanse the pain and darkness away."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Some of us tend to spin our words around to suit our dishonesty. But the guilt will consume every thought like a virus. Instead, allow humility to fight back against the ego."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"They say 'all's fair in love and war.' But what's fair about the broken pieces it leaves behind on the battlefield. Especially, when there's one that fights unarmed. Especially, when there's one that loves more."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Take my hand, place it next to your heart so that I may hear every beat. I want to know if it races when I'm caressing your essence."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Come now, lay your head on my lap and allow me to brush the pain away or at least let me be your resting place while you heal your heart from all the darkness that's filled within it."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"My smile can be deceiving at times, for my soul is screaming from the inside for change. Let me not stare into the eyes of others for I'm too weak to continue to pretend."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"I've stumbled on your broken promises for so long, that all I see is a trail of blood following me."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"I am a pendulum, swaying from side to side, trying to decide if you're right for me or I'm just comfortable with the perpetual madness we have for one another."



Instagram poet love quote

"I never wanted to be right, I just wanted to be loved by you."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Don't wait until opportunity knocks on your door, remember you have chances on your back burner, waiting to be seized. If you don't take them, they will burn out."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"All our lives, we've been told to toss the weeds aside, only to feel incomplete. Until, we stop caring about what others think and we're a field covered in weeds, but feel more at home in our own skin than we ever have."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Can you be my rock, while I peel back the layers of scarring that has grown around my heart, because right now I don't know how to explain the emptiness inside. I just hope your patience will pull me out as mine did for you many moons ago."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Even after the countless storms we've ridden, you continue to look at me with hopeful eyes."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"My thoughts tend to scatter the moment I want to tell you how I feel, but they flow all too freely the moment they reach the paper. I guess I've always had a love affair with the written word."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Sunday mornings with coffee and kisses. Without them, life as I know it wouldn't be worth living."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"I've always had a weakness when it came to your gaze but that twinkle in your eye will be the death of me. It knows exactly how to play with my mind and obey your demands."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"He showed her that he was capable of loving her deeper than any abyss in the ocean. But she also needed him to convince her that no storm would ever drown them and that he would be her lighthouse in the darkness."




Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"Trying to control every aspect of your life is like inviting unwanted guests, letting them eat all your food and leaving without even a thank you. It's too exhausting to be the end all to everyone."



Mary Hutchinson Blackbird.Poet Instagram Quotes & Poems About Love

"I want the kind of love that when I get too old to care for myself, you'll be there every step of the way helping me. The kind of love that when I ask you the same questions over and over again, you will be patient with me. The kind of love that when I forget your name or who you are, you will stay by my side reminding me."
