10 Of The Most Obnoxious Donald Trump Quotes Ever
Donald Trump keeps putting his foot in his mouth.

When Donald Trump announced he was officially running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, I assumed it would amount to a whole bunch of nothing.
But he won the election and is now pursuing reelection for his second term, with a plethora of Donald Trump quotes to go along with it.
He, Melania, and Barron Trump live in the White House. Even the Don and Melania may not have the perfect marriage that they try to portray in public.
Is the President gaslighting the American people? Or is he just trying to help the American people as best as he can?
It is true that President Trump may not be so graceful when he addresses the American people, but at least he is talking to us and is being as transparent as he possibly can. Still, it can be hard for us to like listening to him if we see his style of address as too hostile and argumentative.
Well, it is just Trump just being, well ... Trump.
He does try to get quick publicity, but he really doesn't need it; he is always in front of a camera addressing the people. He is always looking to gain support in the polls, and he even plays into shock value because he fully knows that it doesn't really hurt his reputation with his supporters — and he has done the exact same thing before in other scenarios.
At the first Presidential Debate, President Trump told the Proud Boys to stand by, which has caused many to question if he actually does condemn white supremacy, which he has done before and did in the days after the debate, albeit not directly.
Even some of his own party do not like him. But he does have celebrities that publically support him.
When Trump shared his views on immigration, a lot of people were not happy, especially immigrants. Trump isn't immigration-friendly and is continuing to build the wall on the Mexico-United States border, even though, ironcailly, the Mexican border is currently closed to the U.S.
After several Hispanic groups took offense at his statements in 2016, NBC and Univision ended their relationships with Trump. NBC aired both The Apprentice and the Miss USA pageant, so this wasn't exactly great news for Trump.
The President and the First Lady have recently tested positive for coronavirus, so this is something currently keeping him from going out and interacting with the people; however, he is still trying to be in the public eye as much as possible with videos and camera appearances, taking a ride in the back of a Secret Service vehicle to wave to his "fans."
Even some of his staff and closest advisors have tested positive for coronavirus, though he doesn't seem to be concerned.
The thing is, people shouldn't be surprised. Whether or not you agree with him, Trump has always said crazy things. That's his thing. He likes shock value because it is what people remember.
If you haven't figured out by now whether or not you agree with his views, you haven't been paying attention.
Here are 10 dumb Donald quotes that prove this is just who he is.
1."If I ever decide to run, you may go back and interview people from my kindergarten. They'll remember me."
Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock
2."The 'Today Show' should call me about who to put on the show — I know more about people who get ratings than anyone."
Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock
3.Referencing Ted Cruz's use of the phrase "Make America Great Again": "I don’t know, I guess I should copyright it, maybe I have copyrighted it."
Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock
4."And did you notice that baby was crying through half of the speech and I didn’t get angry? Not once. Did you notice that? That baby was driving me crazy. I didn’t get angry once because I didn’t want to insult the parents for not taking the kid out of the room!"
Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock
5.On Obama being an American citizen: "I'm very honored to have gotten him to release his long form birth certificate... or whatever it may be."
Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock
6.On Alejandro González Iñárritu winning Academy Awards for 'Birdman': "Well it was a great night for Mexico, as usual in this country... It was a great night... for Mexico. This guy kept getting up and up and up. I said, you know, what's he doing? He's walking away with all the gold.”
Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock
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7.On speaking out about vaccines causing autism: "I will tell you, on Twitter and on Facebook, where you know, so many people, I feel, it’s sort of interesting, because I get so much response, people are praying for me that I at least say that.”
Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock
8."Gas prices are at crazy levels — fire Obama!"
Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock
9.On Rosie O'Donnell: "You take a look at her, she's a slob. She talks like a, like a truck driver."
Brandon Stivers / Shutterstock
10.In response to David Letterman revealing that Trump's line of neck ties are made in China, after Trump criticized the Obama administration for letting the US fall behind China in manufacturing and economic wealth: "In all fairness, I've been very open about that."
a katz / Shutterstock
Michael Hollan is a news and entertainment writer.