15 Most WTF 'Sexy' Halloween Costumes
Lobsters and skunks and tacos, oh my!

Halloween is a special type of holiday. To quote Mean Girls, "In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it."
In a way that's true, because if you ever tried looking for an adult Halloween costume as a woman you would know that there aren't many costumes that aren't meant to be revealing. There are the common ones like a sexy witch, a sexy vampire, and a sexy female superhero. But there is a weird trend going on that makes us just want to shout ENOUGH!
It's time for everyone to admit that there are just some things in the world that aren't at all sexy. There are other descriptions for such things like scary, small, weird, and cute. To try and mesh these things together can be a disaster when it comes to Halloween costumes, and we gathered the evidence!
Below are 15 "sexy" Halloween costumes that have pushed the sex trend too far. Some of our most beloved things have been made into a sexy costume just because a woman was supposed to wear it. Prepare to shake your head many times!
1. Sexy Skunk
Doesn't matter which way you dress it up, or how you pose in it. You are still an animal that turns its butt to things in order to spray it with smelly nastiness. That will never be sexy.
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
2. Sexy Darth Vader
Corset? Check! Knee-High boots? Check! Boy shorts? Check! Nailed it!
Photo: Party City
3. Sexy TMNT Donatello
We are not against having a female Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, but as of yet she don't exist. Until then can we refrain from making poor Donatello into something that involves a dress and high heels?
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
4. Sexy Unicorn
It looks like Lisa Frank came back and decided to make adult costumes. When we think of unicorns it relates to many other childish things. Trying to turn that into a short dress just doesn't compute!
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
5. A Packet Of Nerds
This doesn't even look like a real packet of Nerds! If all you want to do is wear a dress this Halloween then settle with something black and call yourself a witch.
Photo: SpiritHalloween.com
6. Sock-Monkey Themed Costume
We aren't quite sure what the makers were going for with this costume or who the audience for this would be. Sock monkeys were great when we were little, but wearing a dress inspired by them as an adult just doesn't sound sexy or appealing.
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
7. Sexy Taco
There are many sex euphanisms made with tacos, but that will never make them sexy. This dress isn't as terrible as one might picture beforehand, but we will keep tacos as a meal and not a costume idea, thank you.
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
8. "A Christmas Story" Leg Lamp
Lamp shade costume with fishnets, anyone? We can just imagine what a nightmare dancing in this would be for everyone involved.
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
9. Sexy Pinata
Yes, let's just keep trying to bring things from our childhood and make them into a sexy dress. That is definitely working out for us!
Photo: Halloween Costumes.com
10. Golden Bear
In our opinion, you're better off dressing up as a sexy Goldie Locks instead of a sexy Golden Bear, but whatever floats your boat.
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
11. Sexy Coca-Cola Can
They didn't even pick the Coke bottles that actually have curves.
Photo: SpiritHalloween.com
12. Sexy Shark
Who is the person who looked at terrifying, blood-hungry sharks and thought "I can make a sexy, human female version of that"?
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
13. Bacon
Dressing up as bacon alone will bring all the boys to the yard. We're just not sure if trying to make bacon in the form of a sexy dress is particulary wise though.
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
14. Sexy Kiss Spaceman
Kiss' costumes were pretty metrosexual already, but this crossed the line! Sorry Kiss fans.
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com
15. Sexy Lobster
We have gone as far to make a Lobster dress in the form of a costume! Lobster maybe expensive and it maybe tasty, but it is not sexy!
Photo: HalloweenCostumes.com