4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By Mercury Retrograde In Aries 2024

Mercury retrograde in Aries is all about taking two steps back before we take one step forward.

woman, mercury TUDOSE MADALIN via Unsplash / sickmoose, Hadiiiben's Images and margiartho via Canva

It's back! Mercury retrograde, the astrological event that causes people to break into cold sweats, is here once more. And this time, Mercury retrograde is in the zodiac sign of Aries.

Slated to occur between April 1 - 25, 2024, this Mercury retrograde period is all about taking two steps back before we take one step forward. That doesn't make it a bad thing, though. After all, some athletes do that to build up momentum. It's perfect for creating hype before the metaphorical blast-off.


Just remember: Mercury retrograde only becomes scary when people go against its currents. So if you stay mindful and work with the energies available to you, the retrograde season can lead to some fascinating changes and inner transformations.

Here are 4 zodiac signs who will be the most affected by Mercury retrograde in Aries 2024

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1. Capricorn

If this horoscope doesn't prove that Mercury retrograde isn't all bad, nothing ever will. Because that's exactly what Capricorns have in store for them during Mercury retrograde in Aries 2024.

All your hard work over the last many months (even years!) will start bearing results. In fact, some of you will finally be able to look at the naysayers who looked down on you and quirk a sarcastic eyebrow at them.

Just remember: Mercury retrograde is not a big and bold energy. It reveals its blessings through the hidden paths and silent knowings and always bestows gifts slowly. So keep your celebrations low-profile during this period and leverage your victory for grander steps ahead. One win will soon lead to two and then three.

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2. Aries

Aries, be extra careful of your thoughts and ideas during this Mercury retrograde in your sign. With North Node and Chiron also in Aries right now, the blend of energies will be difficult to assimilate, or even understand, for you. But as long as you keep your head straight and stay mindful, you will be able to act when you need to and pull back when you shouldn't.

You are also cautioned to stay vigilant against self-sabotaging thoughts and negative self-talk. Those of you who have toxic friends or acquaintances in your social circles will fare better by steering clear of them or cutting ties completely. You may typically be strong enough to ward off their poison, but this retrograde season will make it easier for them to work you up and needle your weak points.

If you feel called to, wear a calming crystal pendant for the duration of the retrograde. It can be a clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz or anything else you resonate with. Meditation will also make it easier for you to stay in the now and not get dragged down by negativity.

If you can do all this, Mercury retrograde will help you become wiser and more deliberate about your actions and intentions. It will be the ace in your corner that you didn't know you needed.


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3. Cancer

Cancer, be prepared for an extraordinary month because Mercury retrograde in Aries is going to unlock something truly powerful inside of you. You will not understand how it's happening, but your experiences will show you that magic truly does exist and can flow through you.

Some will experience this in the form of increased creativity and inspiration. The ideas that stem from you will surprise even you. Sometimes the outcome will surprise you, almost as if you aren't sure how everything came together that way. It will feel like a “trust the process” situation, but deep inside you will know there's something more going on.

If you remain unconscious of these occurrences, you will have a pleasant month and will come out of the retrograde with better self-esteem and confidence in your abilities. But if you try to be mindful, you can channel this power where it will be of best use to you.


Whether you choose to heal people, boost your business, become an icon in your industry, raise your children, work on a creative project or something else is completely up to you. Just make sure you are the one writing your destiny and not someone else.

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4. Scorpio

Mercury retrograde does not necessarily bring to mind issues impacting the world at large. Yet, for Scorpio, this retrograde period will be about just that. You will find yourself becoming increasingly concerned about something that impacts a lot of people at once, be it climate change, a health epidemic, homelessness or even abandoned children.

Try to focus your attention on what moves you on a personal level so you don't spread yourself too thin while trying to do too much. It will also protect you from falling prey to fears of being an insignificant drop in the ocean. After all, it's the nature of the drop that matters and how it influences all the other drops surrounding it.


In short, this Mercury retrograde will draw out your warrior side in the quest for doing something truly remarkable and uplifting. Some of you may even turn this into a life-long quest, although that will not be the case for all of you.

If you ever feel overwhelmed while attempting this, sit still and just breathe. Allow yourself to feel your emotions because your power lies there. You will know what to do next.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
