How To Have A Tantric Sex Experience That Will Blow Both Of Your Minds
Your kundalini won't know what hit it!

Tantra goes all the way back to the ancient language of Sanskrit which is originally from India and offers sensual and enlightening terminology. The beginnings go back as far as 1500 BC, with writings concentrated on philosophical issues and ritualistic teachings such as the well-known Kama Sutra, a sexual manual from the 14th century.
The term “Sanskrit" is derived from “Samskrta” which means “adorned, cultivated, perfected." Sanskrit has been maintained as the literary language of the priestly, learned, and cultivated castes of India.
The name “Yab-Yum” is an ancient Sanskrit term that defines the classical, heart-to-heart position of Tantric lovemaking.
In this position, both partners are seated upright, with the woman on top of the man. The main consideration is that the spine must be relatively straight so that the spinal energy of the Kundalini (sexual force) can travel unimpeded and a cosmic circuit can be created between lovers.
When a couple comes into union consciously, they move their energy simultaneously and the Yab-Yum position draws the partners into an “auric egg” or circle of eternal union.
Sanskrit Words You Need To Know To Have Satisfactory Tantric Sex
Below are 21 Sanskrit words that can be used when exploring Tantra and Tantric Sex.
1. Tantra
The ancient yoga originating in India that trains one in the ways of weaving and transforming sexual energy into altered states and awakening to enlightenment, thus carrying sexuality to unfathomable heights and depths.
2. Amrita
This term means nectar of the Gods. It is the female ejaculatory fluid that flows from the urethra of some women during orgasm.
Some people believe this fluid to have mystical powers; ancient tribes used it to make healing balms and aphrodisiacs.
3. Aura
The energetic field layers around the body, seen by some in varying colors and noticeable as a warm, fuzzy — sometimes mildly electrical — energy to the open hand as the hand moves closer to the body.
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4. Auric Egg
This is the energy field created by a man and woman in the Yab-Yum position of lovemaking, in which both partners are sitting upright and creating a circle of energy that flows evenly up and down their spines.
5. Bindu
A drop of semen.
6. Goddess Spot
This area of female genitalia is better known as the G-Spot which was named after Ernest Grafenberg who first clinically identified it in the early 1950s. It is the fleshy area in the vaginal wall, right behind the pubic bone and between the opening of the urethra and the cervix. It swells when stimulated, and creates a heightened energy response in women.
7. Guru
The teacher or master of knowledge.
8. Hatha
The joined Sanskrit stems “ha” (meaning sun) and “tha” (meaning moon). Symbolic of the soul and body of the human being.
9. Kundalini
The creative (sexual) life-force energy at the base of the spine that, once awakened, coils upward like a snake through the electrical chakra centers awakening each aspect of the soul more fully.
If this powerful force is unleashed correctly, the kundalini energy takes sexuality out of the genital area and gives one an overall body orgasm that is fulfilling rather than draining.
10. Lingam
This means the wand of light and describes the penis.
11. Yoni
This means "the sacred space" and refers to the entire vaginal area including the clitoris and labium.
12. Maithuna
The traditional tantric ritual culminated in a sexual bio-energy exchange.
13. Million Dollar Point
The hollow point in the perineum (between the anus and the scrotum), when pressed firmly, will block the outward flow and facilitate the upward flow of the seminal fluids. It is said that when this technique is used properly the man will “feel like a million dollars."
14. Mukh Maithun
15. Honoring
16. Nirvana
The extinction of self-will in favor of a more blissful union with the universe is often achieved through meditation and the proper awakening of the kundalini sexual force.
17. Orgone
Bio-energy was discovered to be the life force connected to sexuality.
18. Shakti
The feminine aspect of kundalini, is kinetic energy.
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19. Shiva
The masculine aspect of kundalini, is static energy.
20. Vajra
Wand or thunderbolt, another name for the penis.
21. Mani and Padme
These two terms are very significant in male/female relations. Mani means jewel and padme means lotus. “The jewel in the lotus” is a significant eastern expression referring to a penis (jewel) inside the many folds of the lotus (vagina).
Dr. Ava Cadell is an author, clinical sexologist, sex counselor, and founder of Loveology University. Her mission is to empower people to overcome sexual guilt and shame so they can enjoy the benefits of healthy relationships.