What It Means When People Talk About Using White Magic
Spread love and positivity one intention at a time.

We have all heard of black magic. Evil magic that often comes with a price. A dark, mysterious power that many use for their own personal gain and to wreak havoc on others.
But is there a counterpart to black magic? Was Glinda right when she asked Dorothy if she was a good witch or a bad witch? Yes, she was because there is such a thing as good magic.
It's called white magic.
What is white magic?
White magic is the use of spells as a form of healing often used by witches. White magic is used to promote and bring about good energy and positivity. Essentially, it's the use of supernatural powers for selfless purposes; it's intended to improve a life.
According to Dictionary.com white magic is "magic used for good purposes, especially to counteract evil." White magic is a form of healing and allows a witch to channel her energy through intentional spell casting.
Not only does white magic help to manifest and bring good things into your life, but it's healing for your soul, body, mind, and heart.
Many of those who practice this craft refer to themselves as wise men or women, healers, and white witches or wizards. They normally focus on healing, blessings, charms, and prayers.
When you use white magic to heal yourself, it causes a chain reaction that spreads love and light to those around you. For example, doing a spell for self-love will not only heal you and give you positivity, but it will allow you to share your love with others.
In ancient times, witches were considered to be healers. Using white magic is a way to be a healer and has been passed down through the centuries.
Gareth Knight, author of the 1978 book "A History of White Magic," actually traced the origin of the practice to the Paleolithic religion, as well as religious histories like the Polytheistic traditions of Ancient Egypt, monotheistic ideas of Judaism, and very early Christianity.
White magic utilizes the energy of nature, beauty, and light from the world around us. You don’t need tons of crystals and cauldrons to practice magic; all you really need is Mother Nature. In fact, many witches use natural herbs, water, moonlight, and natural elements to perform a spell.
White Magic vs. Black Magic
White magic differs drastically from black magic because it comes from a place of light, unlike black magic. Black magic is used when coming from a negative, selfish, and dark place. According to Dictionary.com black magic is simply "magic used for evil purposes."
White magic has a benevolent purpose for both the spell caster and the person it is meant to affect. For example, if you had a coworker who was bothering you and wanted to use black magic, you might curse them or put a spell on them to leave you alone.
You can do a good deed with white magic instead, which is why the intention cannot cause evil. With white magic, you might do a spell to bless a person and yourself with peace and harmony so you both feel better working together.
White Magic in the Bible
In the Bible, there is no distinction between good and bad, because all magic was strictly forbidden since it suggested there was a power higher than God.
One scripture to prove this is Deuteronomy 18:10–16, which says, "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever."
This notion appears again in Leviticus 19:26: "You shall not eat any flesh with the blood in it. You shall not interpret omens or tell fortunes." This is a total disapproval of witchcraft or sorcery.
But analytically, suppose all healers in the Bible (including Jesus, who literally healed two blind men and performed many other "miracles") could be suggested to use white magic. It meets all the criteria, but religious individuals probably wouldn't agree.
Magic is part of the scripture that focuses on Moses. Exodus 7:11 describes the Pharaoh calling on wise men who were actively trying to duplicate the miracles of God through Moses and Aaron: "Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and they, the magicians of Egypt, also did the same by their secret arts."
How To Do White Magic
You don't have to be a witch to cast a white magic spell. In fact, anyone can practice white magic once they understand what it is.
1. Create an altar.
First, set up an altar space where you will conduct your spells and rituals. The altar doesn't have to be fancy or incredibly expensive, just a plain old coffee table, nightstand, shelf, or storage chest is fine.
The altar can be round, square, rectangular, star-shaped — whatever works best for you. Experts suggest having an altar made out of wood to stay in tune with the natural elements of white magic, but it's not necessary.
Then, arrange symbols you will use for your gods. These can be statues or colored candles. Lastly, you will need items representing the four core elements: earth, air, fire, and water.
Set up the items like so:
- Earth to the North: Common objects are stones, salt, or plants. Add a green candle on its periphery.
- Fire to the South: Common objects are oil, ritual knives, or a candle snuffer. Add a red candle.
- Air to the East: Common objects are incense, feathers, or a bell. Place a yellow candle.
- Water to the West: Common objects are a bowl of water, seashells, or a glass of white wine. Add a blue candle.
2. Find your intent.
When you are working with white magic, you should always have a clear goal in mind.
You don't want anything to be misconstrued while casting a spell, so be sure to have a clear head and a strong will or passion for what you are casting for. Also, remember that white magic will never be able to subvert anyone's will, so your intent should be aligned with white magic's mission.
For example, you can't cast a love spell on someone to fall in love with you, but you can cast a love spell on someone to open their heart to the world. See the difference?
3. Select meaningful objects.
Next, place objects on the altar that are relevant to the spell or ritual you are performing. Some popular choices are special herbs and figurines that are meaningful to your culture or coven.
But it can be anything as long as it has a meaning to you, the caster. If a gummy bear represents love to you and you are casting a love spell for someone, that works.
You can add as many extra items as you want, just don't overcrowd your altar.
4. Cast a circle.
Once you are finished adding in your extra objects, make a circle around your altar large enough for you to stand in. You can use almost anything to draw this circle whether it be chalk, sticks, stones, string, or salt.
If there are other people you are casting with, hold hands with them to combine energies. Be sure to be facing your altar as you cast.
5. Meditate.
Before you cast, meditate on what it is you want to achieve from this ritual. Then, think about your intent and channel that energy into each object on the altar.
Ask yourself how each object relates to your goal and focus on it. You can use a wand or ritual knife to focus your energy on each object by pointing to each in turn. Remember to pray to your god or higher power for guidance as you go.
6. Recite an incantation or spell.
Once you feel ready, recite the incantation for the spell you wish to cast. They are not necessary, but many who practice use them. You can find specific spells through research and books on the topics.
Deauna Nunes is an associate editor for YourTango who covers pop culture, lifestyle, astrology, and relationship topics. She's had bylines in Emerson College's literary magazine, Generic and MSN.