15 Things Extremely Charming People Do Way Differently
Some people are just totally irresistible.

By Nikita Mor
You've met them before. The people who walk into a room and suddenly everyone wants to know more about them. They are individuals we all strive to be or be friends with, because they make others feel instantly special.
These are people who have charming personalities. But what makes them so addictive to others? What makes them hold that attention?
Well, there are several things charming people do differently that all of us can learn from. But first, it's important to define what a charming personality means.
What is a charmer personality?
The main trait that charming personalities have is that they are brimming with positive energy and wish to share it with others. People with these personalities love to give compliments and are always able to see the good side of humanity, in general.
Charmer people, or charming people, are genuine in their statements and emotions, and will always make you feel important and heard. They are unbothered by external challenges and stay in their "no worries" mindset. "Hakuna Matata" is their motto.
If someone calls you charming, they probably think you are an all-around great person. But, of course, with all good things comes a bit of bad.
Being called a charmer could relay the message that you manipulate people into getting what you want from them. But you should use your best judgment and context clues to figure out which one you are being called.
17 Traits Of A Charming Personality
1. They actually like themselves.
Extremely charming people are comfortable with who they are, in spite of their flaws. Their accepting nature makes others open up around them. Their positive attitude uplifts people with their easy-going nature and optimism for life.
2. They are honest about their insecurities.
They openly admit their own faults and weaknesses, which makes them very relatable and human. They are not afraid to discuss difficulties or failures in their own lives and are nonjudgmental of shortcomings in others.
3. They are genuinely happy to see you.
They love people, period. They are fascinated by the psychology of human nature. They enjoy spending time with others for the sake of their company, and not because they are lonely or want something in return.
4. They are playful and light-hearted.
Charming people choose to focus on the good in people and the bright side of life. They encourage other people’s dreams and aspirations. They are sincere with their compliments, which makes others feel appreciated.
5. They speak their mind.
They are not afraid to express their opinion. They do not please people for the sake of some ulterior motive. They are true to themselves, which earns others' trust as well as their respect and admiration.
6. They are good listeners.
They do not simply wait for their turn to talk, but actually listen to others. Charming people know they can learn something from everyone, and everything fascinates them. They give people a fair chance and treat them equally, regardless of social or financial status.
7. They are self-aware.
They take the time to engage in introspection and self-reflection so they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They do not simply react to things, but consciously choose to act in a manner that is considerate of their own and others’ feelings.
8. They have healthy boundaries.
They inculcate a healthy sense of self-esteem and respect. Though they are nice and polite, they also do not let people walk all over them. They know how and when to draw the line and say no.
9. They are spontaneous.
People with charming personalities are excited and enthusiastic about life and treat it like an adventure. They like to experience new things and try out interesting activities. They are open to trying something they haven’t done before.
10. They connect deeply.
Since they are able to connect with themselves on an authentic and deep level, they are also able to connect well with others, which creates a relaxed and fun environment of open and honest communication.
11. They are confident.
Charming people are comfortable in their own skin. They believe in themselves and don't let others ruin their self-image.
They know who they are and will not change that to fit in. This is one of the qualities many admire about them.
12. They make eye contact.
Charming people are deeply genuine and listen to what you have to say. The one way they show this is through body language.
They turn toward others when they are speaking, and maintain the proper amount of eye contact to show that they are interested in what others have to say without making them feel uncomfortable.
13. They enjoy making people feel good.
Charming people are incredibly selfless and care deeply about making others feel like they're the most special, important person in the world. They can take someone who is having a bad day and leave them smiling.
People with charming personalities are often encouraging and kindhearted, which allows them to see what is bothering others and provide a pep talk to move forward.
14. They pass 'the waiter test'.
This is a good test to see if someone believes themselves to be above another person. Anyone can be great when they want to show off, but if they don't believe anyone is watching, they won't try as hard.
The waiter test shows how a person treats others on a daily basis. For example, if you take someone to lunch and they treat the waiter with respect and kindness, they pass. Charming people always pass.
15. They always remember names.
Charming people never forget a name because they are genuine and want to make people feel special. Remembering names does that for most people.
Though they will remember your name, charming people won't name-drop to make themselves seem above others. In fact, they won't ever name-drop; it's just not in their nature.
Nikita Mor is a writer on lifestyle and relationship topics. Her work has been featured in Elite Daily and Thought Catalog.