7 Signs The Universe Sends When Hard Times Are Coming To An End
The road ahead looks bright for you.

Lately, it may feel like the universe has it out for you and that your good luck streak has begun to wither. But before you give up, understand this: your good luck is just beginning.
When we are on the brink of collapse, that's when the universe swoops in to save us. And sometimes, that might come in the form of signals, albeit a bit confusing.
So, if you're uncertain about where you stand, there are a few big signs that the universe has your back.
Here are 7 signs the universe sends when hard times are coming to a close
1. You hear small whispers
Ann Rodchua / Shutterstock
It could be in the middle of work, lunch, or even when you're crying your eyes out, but it's all the same: those small whispers are the universe trying to tell you something. But what could it possibly be?
Words of encouragement sent by the universe let us know tough times are coming to a close. As Better Life explains, "They reassure us that not only is progress within reach, but a significant victory is on the verge of unfolding."
2. You're experiencing stillness
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A lack of progress doesn't mean there's no progress at all. Stillness is often used to mentally prepare us for the storm heading our way.
The universe doesn't play fair. It doesn't give us what we want right off the bat, but there's a reason for that. Emerging from a breakthrough often comes from a place of predictability, so finding yourself in stillness is just one step from entering into a transformative journey.
3. You feel physical pain for no reason
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If you've been experiencing any strange aches lately or find that you have some kind of pain in your body that's unexplained, it's a good thing. Finding yourself in physical pain for no apparent reason is a sign from the universe that your difficult times are close to over.
The universe is trying to draw your attention inward, letting you know to get ready for a possible breakthrough. The best thing you can do is listen.
4. You have something stuck in your head
Dean Drobot / Shutterstock
There's a message in your head that won't go away. Whether it's a song, number, or quote that you've heard recently, it's here to stay.
But before you get frustrated, understand that this sign, though perhaps annoying, isn't a rotten thing; rather, it's the universe's way of letting you know that easy days are ahead, and those hard times are at an end.
5. You're sensitive to the energy around you
Just Life / Shutterstock
There's an energy in the air you can't explain. Regardless, it's causing you to lose your composure.
Home healer Emma Loveheart explains that, "Tapping into one's intuition is connecting to an inner space within where you 'feel' what is right and what is wrong." So, the energy we feel is the intuition in our brain screaming at us to pay attention.
If you've been feeling extra sensitive lately, it's time to get yourself in order. A swift change is heading your way.
6. You feel open to all possibilities
PeopleImages.com - Yuri A / Shutterstock
There's no greater sensation than feeling like the world is your oyster and that anything is possible if you just believe. If there's a deep calling inside yourself telling you to look up at the stars, listen to it. This positive mental state is here to benefit you.
According to Dr. Barbara L. Fredrickson, a psychologist and expert on emotional wellness at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, "Positive emotions expand our awareness and open us up to new ideas, so we can grow and add to our toolkit for survival."
7. You're experiencing a breakthrough followed by clarity
Caterina Trimarchi / Shutterstock
A very important sign that your hard times are ending occurs when you experience a breakthrough. As explained by Better Life, "This inner calm is a signal from our subconscious that we have done the groundwork necessary for success."
Your cards are laid out on the table and you're ready for the win. And if you're not sure if it fits, ask yourself, "Have I been doing the work that aligns with my true purpose?" If you have, a breakthrough is on the horizon, which is ultimately followed by clarity.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.