5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You See A Psychic Or Medium
How to find the messages of warmth, love, and compassion you need.

Are you considering consulting a psychic or medium? Before you book an appointment, you’ll want to know if the reader is a good match for you. In order to determine that, ask yourself a few questions before starting your journey.
Five questions to ask yourself before you see a psychic or medium
1. What is your intention for consulting with a psychic or medium?
Set a very clear intention by writing it down. Putting your purpose for the reading into your own words is an essential first step in creating a clear intention. Capturing your intent by writing it down clarifies fuzzy thoughts, as supported by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Good psychics and mediums use all their “clairs” to connect with the informational field of you or your loved ones. So clarifying your intent also helps you choose between consulting a psychic or a medium.
Both are aided by clear intention-setting, designed to return results that will benefit you. They will blend your intent with their own clear intention of beneficial results for the highest good of all concerned.
Prepare for your reading by knowing what you want to know, why you want to know it, and how to put the what and the why into words.
2. Are you holding onto negative beliefs about psychics or mediums?
Certain spiritual and religious beliefs rely on the potential to negatively impact recipients. Fear must exist in the mind of a recipient to believe in the power of harmful belief systems or to be victimized by them. You don’t want this to be you. Root out all beliefs in the abuse of this power before you make an appointment with a psychic or medium.
Ethical psychics and mediums do no harm and will often request you to stop them if it seems like they’re bringing information you might not want to hear. Also, remember the informational field is a field of probabilities only. Probabilities can only be probabilities.
When the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's definition of certainty is considered, the statements made from the field of probabilities are not certainties. Because there is no cause and effect in an evolving informational field, there is no such thing as an accurate future prediction.
3. Are you proceeding intending to uncover charlatanism, or wanting to prove your reader “wrong”?
Maintaining an open mind is extremely important. When your higher vibrational energy joins with the higher vibrational energy of your reader, the joining of energy fields enhances the power of the reading and assists in bringing forward verifiable evidence.
When you have beliefs psychic or medium readings don’t work, you are much more likely to receive information you don’t understand and will struggle to validate. Also, a difference in communication style exists between the living (incarnate) and spirits beyond the veil (disincarnate). This difference can make information shared between the spirit world and medium complicated.
A medium will simply repeat the raw data as they receive it, rather than allowing their analytical mind to interfere and potentially misinterpret, consequently creating confusion for the sitter. And, while it may be common that recipients are not immediately able to recall specific references, it is extremely common to remember only after the fact.
Sometimes, a memory given by spirit can only be validated with the help of others, either because there are only specific persons who are aware of the information, or because meaning is revealed only after a slight shift in perspective, resulting from multiple people reflecting on the same evidence.
4. What do you believe about the nature of reality?
Are you committed to a position that materialism precedes consciousness or do you believe consciousness is foundational, a question explored in a 2022 study?
A belief in materialism as foundational can negatively affect a psychic or mediumistic reading, as your analytical mind is busy rationalizing why this process is “impossible” or “can’t work”. Allowing your logical mind to interfere can hinder your ability to understand, undermine, or invalidate the information received.
With those 4 questions out of the way, finally, you are ready to ask yourself the fifth question.
5. How will you determine if the psychic or medium is a good match for you?
Make sure you have an initial complimentary consultation with a reader or several readers. Ask them questions about how they work, clarify your intention for the reading with them, and ask them to explain their process in advance. It’s helpful to verbalize what you might need to feel you received results that “satisfy” you. Verify you are both agreeable to the terms.
Always remember to stay open. The information available to psychics and mediums is not explainable from the premise of a materialism-first (cause and effect) paradigm. It is dependent upon an informational paradigm of probabilities.
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Remaining open to “other ways of knowing” will serve you well as you receive information from psychics and mediums in several ways. Keeping your thoughts positive and open, while allowing your reader access to a more permeable “energetic field” will assist a psychic to blend energy fields.
With an open mind, and without insistence on knowing “how”, you allow the reader to bring psychic or mediumistic evidence of your loved ones that might astonish you. Prepare yourself for the possibility you may begin to challenge some of your current beliefs.
Evidential mediums can be extremely helpful to those experiencing grief and loss. It’s usually a good idea not to expect future predictions. In an informational field of probabilities, future predictions are still only probabilities.
In my experience with evidential mediumship, messages of warmth, love, and compassion predominate and have the potential to bring relief, joy, and other positive emotions, and sometimes result in unexpected or extraordinary healing.
Dr. Liz Zed, Ph.D., MCC, RCC & is a Lifestyle Design & Spiritual Coach who helps clients connect with their intuitive inner wisdom to unlock inner guidance. She is the author of Family Business Blueprint and creator of the Master Coach System.