The Simple 2-Word Sentence The Most Respected People Repeat Daily, According To Research
What motivates the most powerful, successful people.

The question posed in the title of this article asks what the most powerful people are silently saying to themselves. It's a good question. What does the self-talk of powerful people sound like?
As we consider this question it becomes clear that the way we speak to ourselves is important. Our thoughts create our words.
There's a simple two-word sentence the most respected people repeat daily.
The phrase respected people repeat daily is: "I choose."
Think about what you are doing right now. Do you realize that you are doing it because you chose to do it? You might quietly be taking accountability by telling yourself “I choose to be doing X right now.”
Taking responsibility for your life and actions can lead you to make better choices and have higher self-esteem, research from 2022 confirms.
Alternatively, perhaps you are telling yourself there are other things you’d rather be doing right now. You might even be attempting to blame someone else for the fact that you are doing what you are currently doing.
If that’s the case, would it be useful to consider how that kind of thinking serves you? Are those empowering thoughts?
Most powerful people see themselves as making conscious choices about how they spend their time. They are conscious about prioritizing their time.
Christina Morillo / Pexels
Why this two-word phrase makes people more respected and powerful.
By saying the two simple but powerful words, “I choose”, they are acknowledging to themselves the ongoing choice, moment to moment, that they continuously make about how to spend their one precious life.
They have the same 24 hours each day and 7 days each week that billions of others across the globe have to use. Most of those people, however, are not consciously prioritizing how they spend their time.
What might change in your life if you were to always acknowledge what most powerful people admit to themselves (“I choose” to be doing X) daily? Whatever you are doing right now, it happened because you made a choice.
Out of all the seemingly limitless number of things you could be doing at this moment, you chose to spend this part of your 1440 minutes available this day, or this part of your 525,600 minutes available this year, to do exactly what you are doing this second.
Every second, there are many things that you could be doing, but this is what you are doing instead. You could say to yourself “I choose to read this article. I could be doing something else. Yet, I choose this.”
The benefits of noticing our inner messaging at the moment we are experiencing it. As we acknowledge that we have the power to control our time and “choose” our activity, we take responsibility for our actions.
We become accountable. In a way, we are “taking stock”. Included with the inner dialogue “I choose”, there likely exists an awareness of a myriad of other things that “I” could be doing at this particular moment in time.
Yet here “I” am, choosing “this”, whatever “this” is. That awareness is the background script for your inner dialogue.
cottonbro studio / Pexels
There’s a sense of freedom in choice and personal power in deciding how to spend your precious time.
It solidifies a sense of acting on desire. Fulfilling desire gives rise to the autonomy and creative force of being human.
Out of the contrast of possibilities that are offered, at any moment in time, we are constantly distinguishing between what we want, what is offered, and what we don’t want.
This behavior helps us to align with and pursue our sense of purpose. It strengthens our intuitive ability and inner wisdom to connect us with our highest selves. Research from 2013 shows that having a purpose in life is good for you, and can lead to a less stressful life.
Dr. Liz Zed, Ph.D., MCC, RCC & is a Lifestyle Design & Spiritual Coach who helps clients connect with their intuitive inner wisdom to unlock inner guidance. She is the author of Family Business Blueprint and creator of the Master Coach System.