Pastor Says Quantum Physics Can Explain Why God Doesn’t Stop Bad Things From Happening
His explanation was terribly confusing.

People often wonder why bad things happen to good people. Or, why bad things happen at all, really.
Some use this as part of their basis for atheism, saying that they don’t understand why God would allow bad things to happen. Others have not let this deter them from seeking out and finding religion.
But, if these questions could be answered, wouldn’t everyone feel at least a bit more satisfied?
One pastor thinks he knows why God doesn’t stop bad things from happening.
A man named Jeremy, who identified himself as “a deep skeptic [and] also a pastor,” believes that quantum physics holds the age-old answer to why God doesn’t stop bad things from happening.
He shared his theory on TikTok.
The pastor began by explaining the basics of quantum physics.
“So we exist in four dimensions, which is really interesting ‘cause most people think we exist in three dimensions,” he said. “But, uh, it’s actually four, and Einstein may have been the first person to actually label it this way.”
Jeremy said that those four dimensions consist of length, width, height, and time.
“But Einstein said that our experience of time is interesting because we don’t experience all of time; we just experience time as duration,” he continued. “As, like, this progression from where we are to wherever we are next. So, he actually said that we exist in three and a half dimensions.”
According to Jeremy, each dimension builds on the previous one, which gives us the three-dimensional world that we know.
Jeremy admitted that this was “a little nerdy” and difficult to understand. After all, the average person did not take a quantum physics class in high school. But he promised that if you stuck with him, he would prove his point.
The pastor explained that the concept of time in quantum physics explains his theory.
“So, let’s just say that God occupies all of the four dimensions that we occupy and occupies them fully,” he continued. “That means that God experiences all of time, as what one philosopher called an ‘eternal now.’ That everything in time is now to God. And so when God acts within those four dimensions, it actually is not acting in duration, but in all of them at the same time.”
“Which means,” Jeremy said, “that you can’t use terms like before or after with God. Terms like before or after don’t make sense because God doesn’t experience time as duration in this sort of philosophical framework.” | Pexels
Basically, what Jeremy meant was that we experience time as “duration” or how we get from point A to point B. God does not. Instead, he experiences it all at once. It is all “now” to him.
“So when you think about that question, ‘Why doesn’t God stop bad things from happening?’ it’s very much related to time, right?” he said. “It’s like, why did God not act before this thing happened? But when you talk about God existing in all the dimensions, there is no before, there is no after with God. God is experiencing the eternal now.”
This is, quite frankly, all really confusing.
Could this be an answer to why God doesn’t stop bad things from happening? It’s possible. Then again, it’s possible that it’s just the ramblings of someone who’s a little too geeky for their own good.
As for the Biblical perspective, Pastor William L. Kynes, the Senior Fellow for Pastoral Theology at the C.S. Lewis Institute, wrote, “Though we can never give a full explanation of evil in this world, we do have God’s response to it.”
Kynes cited the scripture Revelation 21:4, which says in part, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.”
It’s quite possible that there are some things we will simply never understand, although we try to make sense of it.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer with a bachelor’s degree in English and Journalism who covers news, psychology, lifestyle, and human interest topics.