Male Server Follows Customer To Her Car To Demand A Tip After She Didn't Leave Him Any Money
“What people need to understand is that a tip is, like, an option. It’s not something that you have to do.”

It’s obvious that tipping culture has gotten out of hand, especially in the U.S. Where tipping was once an optional, nice thing to do if you received good service, it is now expected, even in very unlikely places.
One customer found herself being forced to tip even though she chose not to because of an aggressive server.
A male server followed his female customer to her car because she didn’t leave a tip.
TikTok user @callmeishhdotcom shared a video of a startling encounter between a woman and her server after she chose not to leave a tip for him.
The woman was sitting in the driver’s seat of her vehicle with a friend in the passenger seat who recorded the encounter. The server stood right outside the driver’s side door. The woman tried to explain why she hadn’t left a tip. “I really don’t have any cash, but, like, a tip is optional,” she said.
The server sounded like he was practically begging when he said, “If my services were good enough — hopefully it was — then, you know, I would be deserving of a tip.” He appeared to completely ignore her argument that tips are not mandatory and that she didn’t have the cash for him anyway.
Despite the strange situation, the woman maintained a kind and patient demeanor.
“I get it,” she said, “but who really comes outside and asks you for a tip, though?” The customer explained to the server that they were actually in very similar circumstances. Still, she would not go so far as this man did.
Andrea Piacquadio | Canva Pro
“I work off tips every day,” she admitted. “The only reason I didn’t tip was because I didn’t have any cash.”
Not to be deterred, the server said there was another option to tip him. “That’s why I’m saying I have CashApp as well because everyone doesn’t carry cash,” he offered.
The woman agreed to send the server some money on CashApp but stood her ground when it came to her opinion. “I know the importance of tipping, but I don’t have to do it all the time, though, if I don’t want to,” she said.
People were split in their opinion about the video.
Those who commented on the video had differing opinions regarding what the server did in this scenario. Some were on his side. “Waiters only get paid off tips,” one person said. “I’m not saying it’s right for him to follow her and confront her, but I get it.”
Another said, “If you can’t tip, you can’t afford to eat out.”
Others were in shock over the server’s actions. “You’re too nice,” someone said. “Tip is very optional.”
“As a former server, this is insane,” another commented.
Despite many changes to tipping, people usually tip at full-service restaurants.
These days, you never know where you’ll be asked to leave a tip or what for. One thing many people seem able to agree on is that you should leave a tip when eating at a sit-down restaurant.
Bankrate conducted a survey on tipping that found that 67% of people eating at sit-down restaurants in the U.S. felt a tip should always be left.
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It appears that is where the woman in this video was eating. In that case, she probably should have left a tip. Several TikTok commenters also pointed out that even if she paid with a card and had no cash, she still could have left a tip.
Even so, it was extremely inappropriate for the server to follow her out of the restaurant and all the way to her car, asking for a tip.
Aside from being incredibly tacky, this could have caused a safety issue or, at the very least, made the customer uncomfortable since she was a female and the server was a male.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.