Husband Shares The 3 Things He Did To ‘Anger’ His Introverted Wife

If you're an introvert, it'll be hard not to relate.

Introverted wife looking annoyed with husband Dimaberlinphotos / CanvaPro

Despite being on opposite ends of the personality spectrum, introverts and extroverts make up a smaller percentage of the total population than you might realize. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. 

For the estimated 25% of people who are true introverts, their daily lives are much different than people with extroverted tendencies. They actively seek out more comfortable environments or make efforts to steer clear of stressful social situations. 


As the husband of an introvert, TikToker Zach Zornes knows these differences all too well, but that doesn't mean he doesn't forget his wife's preferences every now and again.

Here are 3 things Zornes did to ‘anger’ his introverted wife: 

“Please forgive me,” Zornes wrote under his video. In an effort to acknowledge all of the things he “forgot or failed” to do for his wife, he went through some of his introverted wife’s experiences from the week. 



RELATED: The One-Minute Lemon Test That Reveals If You're An Introvert Or Extrovert


1. Not buying the seat next to her at the movie theater 

“Someone sat next to her at the movie theater,” he added. “I purchased the tickets online … only the two of us were going, so I purchased two tickets. That’s where I went wrong.” 

When they arrived at the theater, someone quickly took the seat next to his wife — a seat that she’d obviously prefer to be left open. Instead of enjoying the movie, she was now hyper-aware of this stranger’s presence next to her.

“I should’ve purchased the two seats next to us or possibly all the seats,” he jokingly continued. Of course, it’s not something that anyone else would be willing to do — purchasing extra seats — but what lengths would you be willing to go to pay for comfort? 

2. Forgetting to warn her about the delivery man

As an introvert, a knock at the door when you’re alone and not expecting someone is terrifying. 


You’re dodging the windows and yelling at your barking dogs in an effort to avoid anyone thinking you're home. 

delivery man at door SolStock / Canva Pro

“I wasn’t home when the Amazon driver rang the doorbell,” her Zornes said. “It was a package delivery, and the driver did a courtesy ring. This is uncommon for our deliveries … I should’ve known.” 


“I will work on being home for every delivery,” he sarcastically added while still acknowledging the fear behind his wife’s introverted habits. 

RELATED: Introverted Mom With Extroverted Child Wonders If She's A Terrible Parent For Being Overstimulated & Snapping At Her Kid

3. Reminding her to call back the eyeglasses store after they missed her initial call

After calling the eyeglasses store for an appointment a week prior, Zornes said his wife hadn’t called back. “They were closed,” he said, “so I asked if she was going to call again. That was a mistake on my part.” 

Whether it be a changing social norm or the convenience of other forms of communication, many Americans — introverted or not — prefer not to call people. Some studies show that many will even actively avoid answering phone calls not only from strangers but also from friends and family. 


“I should’ve known that she will never call back or possibly never go to the eye doctor again.” 



Even for things like going to get her hair cut, Zornes' wife dreads the social interaction that’s become so normal at the salon — complete with tons of “forced questions”, uncomfortable silences, and dreaded conversation. It’s a universal experience for anyone who’s found it stressful or anxiety-inducing to interact with strangers. 

Her social battery as an introvert runs out quite quickly — she has a higher tolerance for alone time and admits that it takes her longer to recharge for social events. It’s not a discussion of good or bad — despite social discourse that alludes to extroverts being inherently better — every person has their strengths and weaknesses. 


Obviously, it’s important to better yourself and grow, but if social interaction drains you, it’s not wrong to take steps to ensure you’re doing it in small doses. Whether it’s picking the right job, saying “no” to certain events, or planning alone time — do what’s best for you. 

RELATED: 7 Reasons Being An Introvert Is A True Gift To Modern-Day Society 

Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.