How To Use The SPEC Method To Manifest Anything You Want
Just believe it, and you’ll get everything you want.

In the roaring 1920s, U.S. companies began using contests as a form of marketing to generate fads and trends following the hardships that World War I and the influenza epidemic brought. Americans wanted to live their lives as if it were their last, and in a post-World War I era, several things changed for Americans. The economy was better, women had gotten the right to vote, and people had the appetite for national competitions.
Fast forward to 1948, Helene Hadsell and her family began to enter contests together because contests were all the rage. Hadsell herself was no newbie when it came to them either; she was one of six finalists in Fort Worth, Texas, during the Mrs. America Contest. In fact, she became so good at contests that it's said she won over 5000 in her lifetime!
It's how she earned the nickname "The Contest Queen." Hadsell attributed her success to a manifestation technique she developed called the SPEC method. Helene eventually wrote a book of her own entitled "The Name It and Claim It Game: with WINeuvers for WISHcraft," which detailed her technique.
Here are the 4 steps you need to follow to manifest anything you want using Helene Hadsell's SPEC method:
Hadsell believed in the power of positive thinking and urged others to follow her SPEC method not just as a means to win contests but as a way of life. She truly believed that we all have the power within us to manifest the life we desire.
1. Select it
The first step to Hadsell’s method is to select the thing you want and visualize it. In 1973, the Detroit Free Press interviewed Hadsell, who discussed that she and her husband were trying to win an outboard motorboat. Hadsell said she "closed her eyes and pictured her husband out fishing in the motor boat." Ten days later, they were informed that they had won.
Over the course of 30 years, the Hadsell family won houses, boats, beauty pageants, toys, trips, and money. The selection process is not limited to material things, however. Perhaps it's a promotion, a new friend, or even a sense of well-being — whatever you desire is within your reach as long as you select it first.
2. Project it
The second step is to project an image of yourself with the object or the situation into your brain. For example, if you want a promotion, project an image of yourself in that role into your mind. The same can be said for a new car or a new job.
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Doing this causes your brain's neuroplasticity to restructure itself, synchronizing with what you see in your mind to what you start to see in daily life. This allows you to train your brain and change your reality. Don't simply project the image in a general sense, either. Use as much detail as possible to make the projection come to life.
3. Expect it
The third step is to expect what you want by meditating on the visualization in a quiet place where your mind is at ease. Hadsell believed that you should not block the manifestation of your goal by talking negatively about it. Believing that you will not get what you want is a surefire way to fail the SPEC.
When you expect that you will get that thing you want or accomplish that goal that you have, then there is a higher chance that the universe will fulfill that wish for you. Expectations are extremely important to navigating the SPEC. Without the expect step, you cannot collect what you desire.
4. Collect it
The final step is to collect your reward. If you did the previous steps, then at this point, you should have already manifested what you want. Remember that manifesting takes time, and the things that you manifest might not always be what you expect.
For instance, let’s say you want to manifest being a millionaire, and once a week, you buy a scratch-off at your local gas station. The more you manifest that you want money, the more the universe will be inclined to give it to you. The only issue is it might come in parts. You might win a couple of thousands of dollars here and there from the scratch-off tickets. It's just not in one lump sum. You’re still winning even if it is not the way you’d expect.
Believe in yourself and the power within you. Believe in the process. Everything you want is at your fingertips if you're willing to believe you deserve it.
Sylvia Ojeda is an author with a decade of experience writing novels and screenplays. She covers self-help, relationships, culture, and human interest topics.