8 'Honest' Mistakes That Can Get You Fired From Your Job
These errors may seem small, but they can have huge consequences.

Most of us have made a mistake or two at work, and it usually doesn't cost us much. More often than not, we learn from these mistakes and use them to better improve ourselves.
However, there are a few critical but honest mistakes you should avoid at all costs — unless, of course, you're hoping to lose your job.
Here are 8 honest mistakes that can get you fired from your job
1. You speak on behalf of the company
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Never misspeak on behalf of your workplace... that is, unless you want to get fired. Companies care about their image and how they're perceived. So, going against their policies, goals, and visions is problematic, to say the least.
If you're not sure if what you're promising accurately represents your company's vision, always ask. Asking is the smallest difference between losing or keeping your job.
2. You joke around too much
fizkes | Shutterstock
People love a good joke from time to time, but in your place of work, it's unprofessional. Joking is a delicate game that can land really well or really poorly. And because of the environment you're in, things can go south quickly.
One study found that while a good joke can boost the way other people perceive you, a bad joke can have the opposite effect. So, do yourself a favor and save the stand-up comedy for when you're at home. Your job will thank you for it.
3. You lack emotional intelligence
Daniel Hoz | Shutterstock
If you lack emotional intelligence at your job, it's unfortunately a quick way to get yourself fired. But why? Most companies don't like people who aren't aware of their fellow employees' emotions. Because if you can't pick up on if you're being rude, offensive, or outright disrespectful, that can become a huge problem.
Likely, it will cause drama at your workplace, leaving your boss with a big mess to clean up. To avoid this, become more aware of how you respond to your co-workers. Be more empathetic and find ways to work through problems together. As one study cites, having emotional intelligence at work is a great indicator of career success.
4. You misuse company supplies
bbernard | Shutterstock
Many people have a bad habit of taking their employer's supplies home. However, it's important to never assume you can, unless you ask directly. That's because some employers might assume you're stealing company supplies to use for your own personal benefit, which can absolutely lead to you getting fired.
Avoid this awkward situation by either not taking home extra items or by asking your superior directly. Knowing where those boundaries are will better ensure you don't overstep them by accident.
5. You're not a team player
Jacob Lund | Shutterstock
There's nothing more difficult than dealing with a person who isn't a team player. But the reality is that most jobs require collaboration at one point or another. And if you're known to be difficult to work with, this is the fastest way to lose your job.
Teamwork is pretty important. One study looked at nursing shortages and found that teamwork made the difference between job satisfaction and turnover rates. Employers would rather avoid a high turnover rate as much as possible, meaning they will be quick to fire you if you're creating a difficult work environment.
Even if it's hard, find ways to work together. Your job stability depends on it.
6. You're not communicative
voronaman | Shutterstock
Refusing to cooperate or communicate is an annoyance for your whole company. After all, to get most projects done there needs to be some form of open communication involved. And if you're not communicating, it's likely you won't be at your workplace for much longer.
Most companies need their workers to be transparent, so much so that one study determined that at least two-thirds of employers valued written and verbal communication skills. If you want to avoid getting fired, keep your team up to date with what's on your mind. Don't just assume that they know; rather, always be clear in your responses.
7. You misuse social media
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Most people have had a wo-worker who said something out of pocket on social media. And in an outrage, people find where that person lives, goes to school, or works, promptly getting them fired. This is why everyone needs to be careful with what they say online.
Never make controversial statements and keep your social media presence to a minimum. Remember, saying irresponsible things isn't worth losing your job, so keep those comments to a minimum. Or, keep your social media private so your boss and co-workers can't see what you're doing off the clock.
8. You overpromise and under-deliver
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Don't ever make a promise you can't keep, especially when it comes to your job. One study found that employees who break promises cause the other party to become mentally drained. This then causes the other party in question to lash out at other co-workers, creating a hostile work environment in the process.
If you aren't sure if you can keep a promise, simply say, "I will do my best to meet your standards." Rephrasing this simple sentence can prevent you from getting fired and help you keep the peace at work.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.