Private Chef Says The Most Successful People He Knows Have This One Rare Phone Habit
It may sound simple, but it can help you get further in life.

In today's world, most people have their phones on them 24/7. You would think making contact would be simple, but that's not always the case. A recent survey by U Switch found that one in four 18 to 34-year-olds never answer the phone, preferring text and messaging options. That being said, there's an ever-growing trend of unanswered texts and emails, as well, and no one seems to respond promptly anymore. Think about all the times you have been left on read or done it yourself because of the socially constructed idea that responding too quickly is somehow perceived as bad. Private chef Camden Laconi thinks that's a big mistake.
Laconi shared on TikTok that as a private chef, he interacts with a lot of successful people. He claimed that the one trait they all seem to have in common is that they always respond to communications as quickly as they can.
A private chef claimed that the most successful people he knew always answered their calls, emails, and texts as quickly as possible.
Laconi explained that in addition to "working 14 to 16 hour days," these successful people are incredibly busy but are always available, regardless of the time. "Nobody will say this, but I think if you want to be successful, you need to adopt this habit," he said.
He went on to say that the habit of responding immediately isn't about having a bad work-life balance. It's really all about speed. Once something comes in, successful people answer immediately so it doesn't become another thing they have to deal with. Laconi added that a quick response lets others know you are on top of things, but it also "frees up mental space," allowing you to focus on other tasks.
He argued that adopting a quick response habit to all communications would improve all aspects of life, including mental health, relationships, and professional growth.
Do you really have to respond to every communication immediately?
Okay, maybe you don't need to answer every call, text, and email to be successful. But you do need to get into the habit of responding quickly when you can so that you can get it over with immediately.
One commenter explained it's "Because hyper-successful people are quick. Everything is immediate. Everything must be done now. This second. Zero patience." Another noted, "It's true, the most successful attorneys I know are extremely responsive—people don't understand that it frees up space in your brain and limits your anxiety the quicker you cross things off."
While many people might argue they simply don't have the time to be prompt with their communications, one man argued that's just an excuse to be lazy. "I apply this to every relationship in my life," a third commenter said. "I'm sorry but nobody is ever that busy, it's the lack of urgency and consideration people have in them."
Laconi would agree, especially since he argued that the habit of waiting to respond or leaving people on read has become socially acceptable, especially among men. He connected it to the misguided notion that, when it comes to dating, women think men who respond to texts too quickly give them the "ick."
Some people find the expectation of 24/7 availability a burden.
According to BBC, today's communication technology has created the expectation that people are constantly available. People then feel pressure to respond to messages right away because, well, they can.
“It’s a combo of mobile being ubiquitous — most people have mobile phones [with] all the platforms of communication, and therefore are capable of responding right away — and that norms are currently changing,” Jeff Hancock, professor of communication at Stanford University, and director of its Social Media Lab told the outlet.
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Some may find this a burden because if you don't respond right away, there can be negative repercussions, such as friends being upset or bosses thinking less of you. The ability to be reached at any time of day makes it feel like you have to respond right away, which can be stressful given the number of people you're in communication with.
There's also the question of boundaries, especially as it pertains to the workplace. According to a 2019 Gallup Poll, 52% of full-time workers work more than 40 hours a week, 39% work at least 50 hours a week, and 18% work at least 60. When it comes to answering calls, texts, and emails, on top of being overworked — something's got to give.
To combat these feelings, it may be best to prioritize by ease of answering. If you can reply to a message within a minute or two, then you might as well reply instantly. If it takes longer than that, it's time to start thinking about boundaries and what success actually means and looks like to you. Success isn't always measured in job titles and bank statements. After all, if you're the CEO of a multi-million dollar company but have no time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, what's the point?
Sahlah Syeda is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.