Burnout Coach Shares 6 Ways To Set Boundaries At Work Without Saying Anything At All

Take care of yourself first.

woman on couch working on laptop Ivan Samkov / Pexels 

Setting boundaries is an invaluable way to take care of yourself, in an emotional and practical sense.

It’s not only our personal relationships that benefit from boundaries, however — our professional lives do, too. 

A burnout coach shared 6 ways to set boundaries at work without saying anything at all:

1. Don’t respond to emails immediately

As a coach, Elissa Lynn works to help other people figure out a way to make their jobs sustainable, so as to avoid burning out. She recommends establishing a very particular pattern when it comes to answering work messages: Let them wait.




Taking your time responding to emails gives you agency over your schedule. It also sets a precedent for how you want to be treated on the job.

Navigating office politics is never simple, but protecting your peace is worth it because you’re worth it.


Burnout Coach Shares 6 Ways To Set Boundaries At Work Without Saying Anything  Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels 

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2. Don’t apologize for not responding right away

The second part of Lynn’s email technique is to avoid apologizing after you respond. Saying that you’re sorry for the delay implies that you’ve done something wrong. It also puts unwarranted pressure on yourself to be constantly available, which isn’t a realistic expectation. 


In a separate post, Lynn notes that other people’s urgency isn’t your emergency.



Those words serve as an important reminder that a mindset of immediacy won’t serve you well in the long run. 

3. Check your email at specific times

Create a routine in which you only check your email within a given time period.


Refreshing your inbox over and over will only lead to high anxiety and doesn’t actually help you complete your work. Setting up a specific schedule around office communication ensures that you aren't overextending yourself when you don't need to.

4. Block out your calendar for ‘focus time’

Working in an office environment means you have to divide your day between meetings and whatever task you have at hand, which can make time management feel overwhelming. 

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Lynn suggests carving out time in your schedule that’s just for you to get done what you need to get done. 


urnout Coach Shares 6 Ways To Set Boundaries At Work Without Saying Anything Photo: rf studio / Pexels 

5. Use a ‘Do Not Disturb’ notification outside work hours

In order to truly separate yourself from work when you’re off the clock, set up whatever system your office uses to communicate so that you don’t get messages at all hours of the day and night.

Since many jobs are now remote, it can feel even harder to turn your work-brain off. Make sure you have a true work-life balance by turning your notifications off once your day is done.


6. Don’t volunteer for extra work

You might think that taking on every task makes you a team player when really, it creates an expectation that you’re always available, which can lead to you being taken advantage of

Lynn also recommends delegating tasks, so that you don’t have the weight of the world on your shoulders. 

If you do feel like you’re on the road to burnout, finding strategies to manage your stress can ease some of the pressure. 




Having a life outside of work is another strategy to avoid burning out.

When our identities center solely around our jobs, we lose track of who we really are. Focusing too much on work takes away from the fact that the rest of our lives matter, too. 

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Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture, and all things to do with the entertainment industry.