10 Cheat Codes That Give You An Incredible Advantage In Life
A leg up is yours to have if you follow these life shortcuts.

Years of sharing this planet with everyone else can teach important lessons about how you carry yourself and the way others perceive you. That's especially true regarding respect and whether or not people view you as respectable.
Not all human behavior makes sense, but certain habits will draw people to you and begin to see you in a new, positive light. Society wants you to be weak, depressed, submissive, and docile. Stop whining and go against the grain.
Here are 10 cheat codes that give you an incredible advantage in life:
1. Adopt the leadership mode
Tima Miroshnichenko | Pexels
Get up, get dressed, and do something to make someone else feel better, even if you feel unmotivated doing it. It’s a habit. Everything changes when you adopt the persona of a leader.
2. Slow down and simplify
fizkes | Shutterstock
Slow your physical movements and speak slower. You make life easier for yourself when you create space to see what most miss.
Slowing is to simplify. So is cutting the extraneous fat from a complicated life schedule. You’re not a circus monkey. Focus on the essential handful of things that energize you. Ditch the rest.
3. Lift heavy weights 3 times a week
Tima Miroshnichenko | Pexels
Cardio is great, but there’s nothing like the testosterone rush you get from dedicating your life to honing a body of steel in the weights room. Lift heavy three times a week, and watch the ghost of your former self slide out of you.
4. Set strong boundaries
Yogendra Singh | Pexels
Stop doing things to please others. You come first, always. Now you’re in the best position to give. Set boundaries so that your energy is conserved before any sniveling swine tries to cut into yours.
According to a 2014 Columbia University study, to make better decisions, the human brain needs 50 to 100 milliseconds to focus on relevant information and block out all distractions. This is especially true for people-pleasers since it can be an automatic reaction to say yes to all their requests.
5. Synthesize with nature
Keegan Houser | Pexels
Be like the dude from Gladiator and regularly touch leaves. No, but seriously, legendary naturalist John Muir understood the spiritual and enlivening significance of walks in nature when he said:
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”
Walk for 30 minutes each day, and do it not only to infuse life into that corpse you drag around — but to open up to spiritual beauty and awareness as a practice.
In his writings, Muir often spoke of the transformative power of beauty, particularly the untouched beauty of the wilderness. He saw beauty as a force that could change us, a direct manifestation of the divine. If we could view the forest from a high vantage point, our first impression would be one of longing and melancholy, a mysterious sadness often evoked by contact with the infinite.
6. Move one tiny step in the direction of a good habit
nappy | Pexels
Identify right now one thing you keep doing that is screwing your life. Now figure out what ONE tiny thing you can do to move you in the right direction.
If you watch too many YouTube videos, cut it down by 10 minutes. You become what you repeatedly do. Stop molding yourself into a loser, be healthier, and become obsessed with greatness.
7. Be mindful for 10 minutes
cottonbro studio | Pexels
The greatest obstacle for many of us is how twitchy and weird we’re becoming because of how phones train us to react to notifications. Go the other way via mindfulness. I start every day with 8 minutes of meditation. This will calm your mind and multiply your intelligence. Just the shortest of sessions can center your fake dopamine-addled brain.
According to research from the National Library of Medicine, mindfulness is a powerful tool that encourages us to acknowledge and understand our present internal and external experiences.
It helps us discern what is truly happening, reminding us that our thoughts, feelings, actions, and beliefs are just transient occurrences in the present moment. Moreover, it fosters the development of patience, a crucial trait that allows us to trust in the natural progression of things.
8. Decide not to whine
Gustavo Fring | Pexels
Every time I find myself feeling sorry for myself, I remind myself of one of the most powerful tools in my arsenal: if I accept the reality that I’m a little weakling, I will feel worse. Change this immediately.
Be ruthlessly intolerant of sad and unhelpful thoughts. They will come up, begging for sympathy, but they will be ignored time and time again.
9. Tend to the ‘superficial’
Jose Ricardo Barraza Morachis | Pexels
Surface-level stuff like getting a haircut, wearing good shoes, trimming your nails, and staying fresh and clean is foundational. Mental health doesn’t end here — this is where it begins. Look great, not for Sally at the cafe, but for your devastatingly handsome self.
Research evidence suggests that individual men may need to change; however, health service providers and society as a whole may also need to change. This approach may help address what many are calling the “silent crisis” of men’s mental health.
10. Pay attention to your posture
Tim Bogdanov | Unsplash
Be conscious of how your posture determines your vibe. It’s not the other way around. Walk like a coward, and your reality will align by delivering you pain and rejection like it’s Uber Eats.
Act like a man on a mission, and the mission will come to you. Walk tall, sit up straight, speak up, and inspire those around you with your bold energy. They will take notice. This is how you win.
Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.