If You Have This Blood Type, Research Says Your DNA Is Special
If you have Type O blood, you're more unique than the Average American.

What does your blood type say about you? As it turns out, it can tell you a lot. It's not clear when blood types became the new zodiac signs, but at some point, someone decided that we could find out a lot based on our specific blood type.
According to research, a person’s blood type can tell you a lot about them. You can mean so much about a person, from the kind of energy they give off to the type of companion they usually are, all based on their blood type.
Depending on which type you have, you could find out more about your personality, your health, and even your love life (yes, certain blood types are compatible with other specific blood types).
If you have Type O Blood, you're more unique than the average American.
Pixabay / Pexels
Type O blood people are also more likely to retain water, be obese, and have unwanted tumors.
There are both disadvantages and benefits to this type health-wise. They can be prone to ulcers, thyroid issues, low hormone levels, and iodine deficiency.
However, studies from Harvard University have found that Type O has the lowest risk of heart disease out of any of the blood types. In addition, they have a lower risk of developing cognitive disorders or circulatory diseases. Poor diet and lack of exercise may make them prone to additional health problems, however.
When it comes to the personalities of this unique blood type, they are known for having leadership energy, they tend to stay focused, and they have some of the best qualities and traits out there.
They are also resilient, and flexible, and never let the little things bother them too much. It looks like we could learn a thing or two from our Type O friends.
However, when stressed out, they can also become angry, impulsive, and hyperactive. They also have a tendency to be late.
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Although this type can have a good relationship with many of the other blood types, they match the best with Type B. Type B has a free-spirited personality that, while many other types may get tired of quickly, Type O is incredibly patient and will enjoy Type B's carefree ways. They're a match made in blood-type heaven.
Although this may seem like news to you, the Japanese have long known that this blood type is special. They even sometimes ask if you have Type O blood in job interviews.
People with this blood type are some of the most responsible, committed, organized, and focused people. They are believed to be more logical and that their ancestors were probably hunters.
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