36 Most Iconic 'Legally Blonde' Quotes

Bend and snap!

Last updated on Sep 16, 2022

reese witherspoon elle woods quote Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock

'Legally Blonde' is the best movie ever created, and the most memorable 'Legally Blonde' quotes are just some of the reasons why. 

Although the film came out in 2001, it is still relevant today. Reese Witherspoon plays the role of Elle Woods, a Delta Nu sorority girl who gets dumped by her boyfriend, Warner, because she isn’t “serious” enough. To prove him wrong, she follows him to Harvard Law School to try to win him back.


Although it begins like a romantic comedy, the movie quickly drops the romance plot and becomes a feminist film about a woman who learns to love and believe in herself to achieve her goals. Her peers underestimate her due to her blonde hair and peppy personality but they are all proven wrong when she wins her case.

Not only is it inspiring that Elle Woods got into Harvard law, but also because she stayed true to herself the whole time while rocking her signature color: pink.

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'Legally Blonde' is a truly motivational film — if you ever need a little pep in your step, watch it to channel your inner Elle Woods. 

Here are the most iconic Legally Blonde quotes.

1. “Oh my God, the bend and snap, works every time.” — Hairstylist 

2. “Oh, sweetheart, you don’t need law school. Law school is for people who are boring and ugly and serious. And you, button, are none of those things.” — Elle's Father

3. “Do you think she woke up one morning and said, 'I think I’ll go to law school today?'” — Professor Callahan

4. “If you’re going to let one stupid prick ruin your life, you’re not the girl I thought you were.” — Professor Stromwell 


5. “I’ve already lost my husband, I’d rather go to jail than lose my reputation.” — Brooke Taylor Windham

6. "My cousin had that once. Apparently you get a really bad rash on your…ahem." — Serena McGuire

7. “Don’t stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey.” — Enrique Salvatore 

legally blond quote


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Elle Woods Quotes

8. Warner: "You got into Harvard Law?"
Elle: "What, like it's hard?"

9. “I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be.” — Elle Woods

10. “Gay men know designers, straight men don’t.” — Elle Woods 

11. “The rules of hair care are simple and finite. Any Cosmo girl would have known.” — Elle Woods

elle woods quote


12. “This is gonna be just like senior year, except for funner!” — Elle Woods

13. “If I’m gonna be partner in a law firm by the time I’m 30, I’m going to need a boyfriend who’s not such a complete bonehead.” — Elle Woods 

14. “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” — Elle Woods

15. “You must always have faith in people. And, most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.” — Elle Woods

16. "I have always respected redheads as members of a hair color minority." — Elle Woods

17. “When used appropriately, it has an 83 percent rate of return on a dinner invitation. It’s called the bend and snap.” — Elle Woods


18. Elle: "This is what I need to become to be serious."
Lady at Nail Salon: "What? Practically deformed?"
Elle: "No, a law student."

19. “Whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed.” — Elle Woods 

20. Elle: “Oh, Warner, do you remember when we spent those four amazing hours in the hot tub after winter formal?”
Warner: “Yeah…No.”
Elle: “This is so much better than that!”

21. “I’m Elle Woods and this is Bruiser Woods and we’re both Gemini vegetarians.” — Elle Woods 

22. “Oh, I like your outfit, too, except when I dress up as a frigid [sic], I try not to look so constipated.” — Elle Woods

23. “I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.” — Elle Woods 


elle woods quote

24. Elle: (handing over her resumé) “Here it is.”
Professor Callahan: “It’s pink.”
Elle: “Oh, and it’s scented! I think it gives it a little something extra, don’t you think?”

25. “I don’t need backups. I’m going to Harvard.” — Elle Woods 

26. “I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life. [whistle] I object!” — Elle Woods


27. Emmett: “I can’t believe you just called me a butthead. I don’t think anybody has called me a butthead since the 9th grade.”
Elle: "Maybe not to your face."

28. Paulette: "Is she as pretty as you?"
Elle: "She could use some mascara and some serious highlights, but she’s not completely unfortunate looking."

29. "It has come to my attention that the maintenance staff is switching our toilet paper from Charmin… to generic. All those opposed to chafing, please say 'Aye.'" — Elle Woods 


30. "Because I’m not a Vanderbilt, suddenly I’m white trash? I grew up in Bel Air, Warner. Across the street from Aaron Spelling. I think most people would agree that’s a lot better than some stinky old Vanderbilt." — Elle Woods 

31. "I’m reading about the LSATs." —  Elle Woods 

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Warner Huntington III Quotes

32. “Wow. Don’t you look like a walking felony.” — Warner Huntington III

33. “If I’m gonna be a senator, well I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.” — Warner Huntington III


34. Warner: "Pooh bear, just get in the car."
Elle: "No."
Warner: "You're gonna ruin your shoes."
Elle: "Okay."

Paulette Bonafonté Quotes

35. Paulette: “I’m taking the dog!” 
Elle: "Did you see him? He's probably still scratching his head."
Paulette: "Yeah, which must be a nice vacation for his balls."

36. Elle: "That's great, Paulette. Is that the only interaction you two have ever had?"
Paulette: "No! Sometimes I say 'okay' instead of 'fine.'"

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Jaycee Levin is a writer, influencer, and blogger living in New York who loves celebrities, fashion, and reality television. She covers news and entertainment for YourTango. Follow her on Instagram.
