Jewelry Shopping Online? Where To Buy An Affordable Purity Ring

True love waits.

Jewelry Shopping Online? Where To Buy An Affordable Purity Ring Andrea Piacquadio via @pexels

There are a variety of ways to make a vow or commitment. When you are in love, or single and trying to remain pure, you might decide to buy a piece of jewelry, such as a purity ring, as a symbol of your decision.

Why buy a purity ring?

Purity rings are excellent reminders and encouragement to keep the commitment you have made sacred and respected.

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According to, purity rings also known as promise rings, abstinence rings, or chastity rings. Purity rings are worn as a sign of chastity.

The history behind purity rings

The practice originated in the United States in the 1990s among Christian-affiliated abstinence groups.

Wearing a purity ring is typically accompanied by a religious vow to practice abstinence until marriage.

The ring is typically worn on the same ring finger as for marriage which is why purity rings are thought of to be so sacred and so pure.

The purity ring commitment can be an individual decision or a decision made from family members like parents or guardians.


The vow that this purity ring can be made to can be for yourself, God, your parents and family, and even friends.

Some celebrities are not often ready to stay abstinent or wear a purity ring.

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Famous Celebrities who support wearing a purity ring

Many celebrities have hopped on the purity ring trend.

Names of purity ring wearers include Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez.

Others include Hillary Duff, the Jonas Brothers, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, and even Miley Cyrus.

There even have been purity ring ceremonies where the ring is given to the youth from parents, family and close friends.


You can even have your purity ring engraved with some magical words.

A special touch on your purity ring will keep this important part of your life a memory you will never forget.

You can also engrave it with your favorite Bible scripture or quote.

There are several ways to personalize these purity rings.

Many people might believe that purity rings are a symbol of purity before marriage and when you get married you receive another ring that represents purity.

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It doesn’t matter who you are making this vow to when deciding to purchase a purity ring for yourself.

The most important thing about purity rings is that you when you make a commitment to something that you have to do your best at sticking to it.


There are several places where you can shop online to purchase your own purity ring.

You might want to purchase a ring for your pre-teen child who is heading towards their teenage years.

If you're in a new relationship and things are serious, but you can't be together, a purity ring can represent how loving and pure your dedication to one another is.

Either way, there are plenty of reasons to wear a purity ring that extends beyond the spiritual, plus websites and stores that will help you find one affordably.

Here are 5 best sites to purchase a purity ring online when shopping for this symbolic piece of jewelry.


You can purchase purity rings on this website.


The prices range from $9.99 to $100.00. From sterling silver to all black there are a variety of styles of rings to choose from.

They offer free delivery on orders over $40.00.

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2. Amazon

Purity rings on amazon range in prices from $9.99 to $25.95.

There are a variety of colors to choose from and they also can be engraved if that’s something you would like to add individuality.

3. Zales

Zales has a price variety of rings from $29.99 to $149.00.

You can decide if you want to invest in something cheaper now and maybe upgrade your purity ring to a better one when you are ready.


They have several different colors and diamonds to choose from and they also have cleaning tools to purchase with your ring to ensure that it continues to shine as bright as you.

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4. Kay Jewelers

Kay Jewelers would be a great place to purchase your purity ring. From prices of $24.00 to $160.00, you can purchase your purity ring at any price range that works for you.


There are different diamonds and ways you can engrave them as well. Kay also has rings from shades of gold or sterling silver.

This is a great company to start your devotion to God, your family or even yourself.

5. Walmart

Walmart is always great for shopping deals. They have purity rings for as low as $8.99 ranging to $50.00.

From sterling silver to gold the variety of purity rings that Walmart offers for a cheaper price is great for your pockets.

You can also buy a ring that is pre-engraved or personally engraved.

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Katrina Harris is a writer who covers pop culture, astrology and love, and relationship topics.
