You Can Now Climb A Wall Of Penises, Vaginas & Boobs

If the president can grab someone's junk, why can't you?

penis grope mountain WeHeartIt

My brother loves rock climbing, and whenever we're together he's always trying to get me to tackle some crazy climbing wall.

I like the idea of scaling a mountain, don't get me wrong, but my T-Rex style arms and total lack of athletic prowess make it virtually impossible for me to join him on his climbs.

That said, I make for an excellent cheerleader. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you, during their sporting events I am 100% guaranteed to stand around yelling "finish already so I can go have some scotch this is so boring!" 


However, that could all change if he decided to take me to Grope Mountain.

That's right, I said Grope Mountain, so strap in and get yourself ready.

Ever looked at a climbing wall and thought to yourself, "this is all well and good, but it would be 100% better if the climbing holds were shaped like penises, boobs, and vaginas"? 


Well, you're in luck. Grope Mountain has got you covered.

This interactive piece of art was created by the design firm Bompas and Parr and first appeared in the New York Museum of Sex's Funland exhibit, which explored sexualizing the carnival experience. God, I cannot believe I missed Funland. The closest I have ever come to sexualizing a carnival experience was the time I ate a donut of my boyfriend's penis and that was a uniformly unappealing experience. 

But now Grope Mountain has gone global, traveling to places like England giving any interested a chance to reach for the stars, or for an erect penis. 

The penises, boobs, and vaginas on displayed were all cast from molds of the real thing courtesy of eager volunteers who had long dreamed that their most private bits would be used to help folks scale walls. 


According to the wall's website:

"The idea behind the wall is that as climbers engage physically with the holds the experience encourages a rethink of participants’ own bodies while encouraging a reappraisal of conventional climbing walls — also said to be intriguingly erotic through its combination of strength, balance and mental agility enhanced by the voyeurism of spectators watching below. Grope Mountain turbocharges that affect, making the erotic nature of the experience all the more manifest for climbers and spectators alike."

That, my friends, is sex positivity in its most obvious form and I love every single thing about it.


As much as I love me some penis, vagina, and boobs, I must be honest: I'm still probably never going to go rock climbing though. Sorry bro.
