10 Brave Women Reveal What They REALLY Think … Of Sexting

Listen up before you hit send, fellas. Here's what works (and what doesn't) in the sexting world.

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Sexting, over the last several years, has become quite a big deal. From celebrities to politicians to your everyday somebody on the street, a decent amount of us have probably engaged in some form of sexting. Yes, even if you haven't sent a nude photo, but you have texted some down and dirty details on what you want to do to someone, then that counts as sexting, too. Go ahead and admit it: you're a sexter!


But how do women really feel about sexting? Do they enjoy it? Do they play along because their fella loves it? And how often are ladies sending sexy texts?

For this week’s "What Women Think…" we asked women their thoughts on sexting. While responses were mixed, we did encounter the same issue as last week when we asked about dirty talk, and that issue was shame and embarrassment, based on the private messages that came flooding in.

We really need to get over this, ladies! You're human, you're sexual, accept it!

It's More Funny Than Sexy

"I'm the one more likely to sext in my marriage. When I try it, my husband just laughs at me. I've resorted to the Emoji of a pointing finger next to an Emoji of the 'a-ok' symbol so it is literally clip art of the oldest gesture for f*cking ever. It never works, but at least he thinks it's funny," says Colleen, 29.


"I'm too immature to think it's actually hot. Plus, I'm a teacher, so I'd probably end up on the news," says Kim, 31.

"Love them for a good laugh, but other than that, no way. They definitely don't turn me on at all," says Lynne, 27.

Um, No D*ck Pics, Thanks

"Not into the pics of manly bits. Nope," says Autumn, 24.

"Dealbreaker! 100% dealbreaker. It's too boring for words," says Mel, 28.

"I'm pro-smutty/dirty talk, but no pics (no control over digital assets)," says Heather, 30’s.

Yes! Bring On The D*ck Pics

"As with all things in life, it depends on the dude, doesn't it? I do have some prime manly pics though," says Diana, 35.

"I will be intrigued to find out what women think of d*ck pics. I, for one, am a huge fan. I can't even believe this is a question, actually," Marnie, 31.


"Two scenarios in which it can be exciting and a turn-on: 1. If I'm in a relationship with a guy and we have a sex life or, 2. If the guy is really hot and I don't have to see or talk to him on a regular basis, especially before or after anything happens as a result of that sext. In any other situation, I guess I would just laugh, delete, and forget about it," says Catherine, 25.

"Artful d*ck pics rule; same goes for t*t pics," says Sarah, 34, who then went on to give us this anecdote: "There is this guy that I have slept with a few times over the years (always OK, but followed by an awkward morning after), whom I sext and text with occasionally. I like it well enough, except when out or the blue he requests t*tty pictures or asks about my MMF experiences. If it's following a sequence of texts leading up to that, I am all about it, but when it's out of nowhere, I feel like porn on demand, and f*ck that because I'm not getting paid."

Let Us Ladies Lead The Way


"I like sexting, but I don't trust dudes to do it actually sexily. I'd rather sext THEM and have them give good feedback (then 'OK’ a good faith d*ck pic is nice.) Also I don't like it to happen too soon, and I prefer it to happen, like, after I’ve already slept with them. Trying to sext before I've actually sexed them IRL is presumptuous to me, but I know some people use sexting to gauge how real-life sex will be and that's cool, too. Just not mah thanggg," says Amanda, 25.

We appear to have a divided crowd on this one. But one thing is for sure, gentlemen, before you start sexting photos of your junk to a woman you're trying to impress, put some effort into it. Make your naughty pic stand out, if you want us to cease the giggles and get all hot and bothered for more.