Topless Maid Shares How Much She Pays Her Security Guy Who Sat In The Car While She Made $2230 For 5 Hours Of Work
People couldn't believe how much she made—and how much of it went to her security guard.

In today's economy, we all have to make our money however we can get our hands on it.
And one TikToker named Sammi recently revealed how much she's bringing in with her very unconventional job—and it's more than most of us will ever make sitting at our desks.
The job is by no means easy—and certainly isn't for everyone. But still... it's kinda gotta make you wonder if you're in the wrong line of work!
A TikToker revealed she makes $300 per hour working as a topless maid and even employs a private security guard to accompany her to work.
Sammi, who goes by the username @sincerely__sammi69 on the app, is not only making $300 an hour to clean people's houses, but she's also racking up enormous tips along the way.
The TikToker made $2230 for just five hours of work—an hourly rate of $446.
That's on par with some of the highest-paid workers out there—and equivalent to about $900,000 a year if she were working full-time hours, which would put her firmly in the 1%.
In her video, Sammi rattled off the five gigs she did on a particular day, each at $300 per hour plus tips between $120 and $200 a pop.
Of course, Sammi doesn't take all of that home—she has to pay taxes like all the rest of us.
And because of the nature of her job, she also has costs most of us never have to even think about, like security.
The TikToker also revealed she pays a private security guard 35% of her earnings to wait in the car while she cleans topless.
Obviously, Sammi's work is potentially dangerous, so she employs a security guard who "sits in the car outside and waits for me just in case anything happens."
Her security guy's 35% cut equaled $780, "but we're gonna go ahead and just round it up because he's amazing," Sammi said.
So she gave the security guard a nice even $800—about $160 per hour for five hours of work.
Not too shabby at about $320,000 per year, similar to what a lot of specialized physicians pull in.
After paying security, Sammi took home $1,430 for five hours, and she loves her job as a topless maid because of it.
Sammi does lots of other types of sex work as well, from exotic dancing to private online calls.
But for women looking to keep things a bit simpler, she says topless house cleaning is the way to go.
"If you think you needed a sign, this is your sign," she told her viewers after tallying up her money for her short five-hour day. "Topless maid cleaning service for the win."
But lots of TikTok commenters thought the security guy was getting the better deal.
Some were in disbelief at how much Sammi was paying the guard. "Wait so he made $800 and you made $1400? For him sitting outside waiting in case?" one person commented.
"Jeez! 35% for security? Obviously your safety is priceless but damn!" another wrote.
But most people were trying to figure out how they could land that lucrative gig. Sure, it might not pay as much as Sammi's getting, but it's a heck of a lot easier, right?
"The smartest person here is the security guy making money while sitting in his car," one commenter quipped, while another commenter wrote, "topless maid security guy sounds like the better job imo."
Another TikToker joked, "that security guard living his best life lmao" while one woman seemed poised to send her husband an invoice for all her house cleaning—"my husband owes me a lot of money," she wrote.
But some commenters weren't worried about the money and wanted to know about the real mystery at the heart of this story.
"Everyone’s over here commenting on 35% but I’m over here wondering how you get a whole house clean in one hour," the commenter mused. Yeah, you and the rest of us. Drop your cleaning secrets, Sammi!
John Sundholm is a news and entertainment writer who covers pop culture, social justice and human interest topics.