Woman Spent $10,000 On A Relationship Coach And Followed One Rule To Marry The Multi-Millionaire 'Love Of Her Life'
Now, you can learn this valuable dating advice for free.

Imagine this: You have gone to many different relationship coaches, but none of their advice has led you to a successful relationship. After spending thousands of dollars, you finally found the right coach that gives you the worthwhile advice you have been seeking.
After a decade of being single, you use that advice and now are happily married to a multi-millionaire who you love.
This happened to a friend of Daphne Nunez, an influencer on TikTok with almost 90,000 followers. Now, Nunez is sharing that advice on TikTok for free.
"For context, my friend was single for over a decade and just married the love of her life, who treats her like an absolute queen but is also a multi-millionaire," Nunez shared. "So it's a win-win."
After spending $10,000 on a love coach, Nunez's friend shared the number one rule for finding the perfect significant other.
So, what is the $10,000 secret to successful dating? Only date men who put you in your feminine energy.
According to Nunez, women are frequently in their masculine energy. For example, she works two jobs, owns a business and fights off “creepers” every day, so she is in her masculine energy all day long. But when it comes to dating, you want someone who puts you into your feminine energy instead.
Nunez provided some rules to follow when on a date with a man, including allowing him to take care of planning the date, transportation, picking the restaurant, ordering the food for you, serving you and cutting your food — basically anything that does not require you to make a decision.
Since he is leading and taking charge during the date, you are allowing him to be in his masculine energy. “You are taking the backseat and observing and letting him treat you,” Nunez said. “This shift allows the man to feel confident and at his best.”
Nunez herself has implemented this rule into her dating life and claims it transformed her experience. "Trust me, the dates are just gonna get better and better," she assured viewers. "Courtside tickets, private jets, you name it."
Nunez's advice elicited mixed feelings in the comment section.
“I’ve found mine that puts me in this energy and treats me in this manner!” one user commented. "100% agree. My fiancé is like this. He is the first guy I have ever dated to put me in my feminine energy," another wrote.
However, others were not so sure if they could implement all the advice. “You can do all of these except order my food," a third user said.
To that, Nunez responded in a follow-up video. "It's one meal out of your day, and it's not for the rest of your life," she said.
According to Nunez, by allowing your date to do things, like cutting your food, you can learn a lot about him and his intentions. "In the initial stages, it's really important to see how a man is gonna show up."
If he asks about your preferences and dietary restrictions, that's a green flag. But if he only orders the bare minimum, that's a clear sign that he is not invested in your satisfaction. You can also learn if you guys have similar tastes.
"These are all just little hints getting you closer to figuring out if this guy is your man," Nunez said. "And it's not necessarily about the food. It's about how he's taking your interests into consideration."
In a third video, Nunez shared another dating rule her friend learned from her $10,000 coach: Only let him see you once a week for at least two months.
"It's really important to pace a man because men form a connection over time," Nunez claimed. If on the first date, a man says he wants to see you over the weekend, even if you’re free, say you’re unavailable and plan something for next week instead. This creates mystery and leaves him thinking about you and wanting more.
For a similar reason, she recommends not allowing a man to follow you on social media. "You do not want him seeing your stories," she said. "You want him to sit there at home and be wondering, 'What is she doing today? What is she doing tonight? Is she with another man?'"
While this dating advice may seem unconventional, you never know what could work. It certainly seemed to help Nunez's friend find her one true love.
Lauren Reams is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news.