16 Things You Hate About Your Body — That Men Actually Love
If you think guys only like "perfect" bodies, you may just want to think again.

Hate your hips? Annoyed by your bid thighs? Whether they or any other part of your body seems too flabby, too bony, too narrow, too wide, or otherwise unpleasant to your eyes, chances are, most men find them attractive.
Women waste an immeasurable amount of time feeling uncomfortable and dissatisfied with their appearance, obsessing over body parts that men find attractive in any number of shapes and sizes.
We asked some of our most trusted YourTango Experts which features they often hear men say they love but that women themselves think of as flaws.
Here are 16 female body parts that women often hate on themselves but that men say they love.
According to psychotherapist Dr. Erica Goodstone:
1. Your feet
Photo: Getty
Many men secretly love women's feet. They don't even pay attention to the usual body parts that you may be squeamish about. So go get a pedicure with your favorite color and add some enticing jewelry like a gold ankle bracelet and a beaded toe ring. You may be surprised and delighted by your man's reaction.
2. Your hands
How delicate and inviting are your hands? If you tend to hide them in your pockets or keep them squeezed into tight fists, you may be indicating that you are insecure and withholding. Try opening your hands and becoming a symbol of receptivity, caring and readiness to connect.
3. Your fingers
Do your fingers appear well groomed and classy? Are your nails neatly shaped with fresh polish in a pleasing or interesting color? Have you used your fingers to gently massage your man’s shoulders or to sensually tease his arms and back? You may be surprised at how appealing your hands can be as he imagines being tantalized by them.
4. Your back
How strong and smooth is your back? While some men are attracted by legs and behinds, your man may enjoy stroking your smooth and shapely back. Whether you have defined muscles or just a nice back, without excess fat or skin problems, you may be surprised at how a man loves to massage your back and imagine the thrills you have in store for him.
5. Your butt
Worried you have a big butt? There are many men who just love that. They are actually aroused by the way it looks and also how it feels. Roundness is good. Men’s bodies are more angular so their brains actually crave and appreciate the roundness of a woman’s body, and you don’t have to be skinny.
6. Your lips
Photo: Getty
So, your lips aren't big and luscious, they're narrow and small. No worries. You can still run shivers up his spine if you use them in the right places on his body.
And don't forget the power of the words you utter in his ears. Use your most seductive tone and tell him how sexy and powerful he is.
According to therapist Larissa Rzemienski:
7. Your makeup-free face
Women tend to feel self-conscious without their makeup on, but most guys actually prefer minimal or no make-up.
For example, Kim Zolciak, star of Bravo TV's Real Housewives of Atlanta, made the news when people found out that she is actually much younger than she appears with layers of makeup on.
8. Your extra padding
Women tend to get upset when they don't quite squeeze into their jeans, but in reality, men love a little extra padding. If padding isn't attractive, then why is Kim Kardashian on so many magazine covers?
9. Your fine lines and wrinkles
It may sound tempting to run out and get some Botox to fix those fine lines and wrinkles, but a natural face wins out over the too tight, unnatural face. Plus a few fine lines are proof of life experiences, confidence, and a greater wealth of knowledge.
According to dating coach Julie Spira:
10. Your love handles
There's a reason they're called love handles — so don't get so insecure about the five extra pounds on your waist and hips. Men don't really like emaciated and angular women with nothing to grab.
11. Your earlobes
Photo: Getty
If you hum the song "Do Your Ears Hang Low?" when you look in the mirror, don't fret. When he's nibbling on your ears, he's not using a measuring tape to decide on the shape of your lobes. Men love to nibble, so, take off the huge hoops when you get home and give him some space for some earlobe TLC.
12. Your breasts
While flat-chested women think men won't want to date them, those who are top-heavy are saving up their money for breast reduction surgery. Meanwhile, at the end of the day, men love confident women, regardless of breast size.
Go ahead and wear a push-up bra or a full-support bra to make you feel more comfortable. Wear sexy lingerie to bed, but take a pass on surgery. He'll have fun fondling your breasts, no matter what size they are.
According to Katherine Forsythe, MSW:
13. Your vulva
Stop the surgery to make the lips symmetrical! Men don't care and don't notice. This most personal part of the female, the entire vulva area, is an elixir for men to behold.
14. Your cellulite
Men may not love cellulite, but they don't hate it like women do. What turns guys on is the whole female body. They tell me women are too hung up on parts. One woman was so obsessed with her cellulite-laden butt that she backed away from her lover as she stood up after sex. Finally, she said, "OK, I have cellulite in my butt!" He said, "What's cellulite?"
I rest my case.
15. Your big thighs
In primitive times, big thighs in women meant strength, stamina, and the ability to protect children. While that's not much comfort in today's sculpted body culture, it's still a turn-on for many men.
Some cultures revere women with larger legs and derriere. Consider Brazilian dancers and many African tribal rituals. So before you get all tied in knots over your big thighs, ask yourself, "Whose issue is this?" It's yours, not his.
16. Your fat belly
Sneak a peek at belly dancers and the Venus de Milo. Bellies? Yes. Large ones. Yes. Yet, they're two sex symbols that have lasted millennia. Again, it's the attitude, not the tiny tummy. Men tell me that resting their head (either one) on the belly cushion is hot. Try adjusting your attitude before you start the latest diet fad.
And if you're considering a tummy tuck or liposuction, be sure it's your tummy that needs the procedure, not your brain.
Dr. Erica Goodstone is a psychotherapist, marriage counselor, and author of the Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me book series. Larissa Rzemienski is licensed professional counselor based in Phoenix, AZ. Julie Spira is a bestselling author, dating advice columnist and coach, online dating expert, and media personality. Katherine Forsythe, MSW, is a therapist-coach, motivational speaker, and author.