10 Things You'll Only Understand If Your Love Language Is 'Touch'

You're hands-on with your love.

couples looking at each other Ground Picture / Shutterstock

The 5 love languages, outlined by Gary Chapman in his book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret To Love That Lasts, tell us a lot about the way we visualize and give love.

While some people might define love as doing things for others (acts of service), others see love as giving gifts.

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Those with the touch love language take a more hands-on approach to their love.


Sometimes for you, a simple hug speaks louder than words — and you're all too familiar with the following.

Here are ten things you'll only understand if your love language is touch:

1. You actually hate when random people touch you

You can’t stand people being close to you on the train. It feels gross.

2. But you’re crazy affectionate to the ones you love

You show all kinds of affection only to people you’re attracted to and can trust because they deserve it.

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3. You show how much you appreciate people in your hugs...and your hugs depend on the person

You give bear hugs to your friends, longer than necessary hugs to your person, and pre-cuddle hugs to your lover.

4. Touching isn’t all about sex

You enjoy casual touching like forehead kisses, holding hands, a hand on the hip, etc. more than you like sexual touching. Casual touching between you and your lover is much more intense because it shows they’re content with you.

5. You love to hold hands

Most people are annoyed by it but you love it. It makes you feel much closer to someone. It’s like they’re attached to you.

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6. You are guarded when it comes to your body

But you’re submissive to the one you trust to take good care of it.

7. You can’t be with someone who isn’t affectionate

Because they feel so cold and distant. You have a hard time connecting with someone emotionally and mentally if they ignore you physically.

8. You love eye contact

Because it can be just as intense as touch. It’s like a mental form of touching.

9. The way people feel is different from you

Depending on the person, their touch will feel distinctively different. A touch from a friend can feel loving while a touch from a crush can make you feel excited.


10. You have a lot of sensitive points

From beneath your ear to on the back of your neck, you have spots that tickle your nerves. You have a sensitive body which is why touch is your main love language.

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Marie Cyprien is a writer and editor who has been featured in Black Enterprise, Guideposts, Puckermob, and more.