9 Little Things Women Don't Realize Men Absolutely Cherish About Them, Backed By Research
The little things you never notice — but he does.

Ever notice how some women just seem to have the ability to magically cause men to treat them exceptionally well? Though some men tend to be more gentlemanly than others, there are quite a few female qualities that men cherish about the women in their lives.
Dating app Gleeden surveyed 15,000 users in top cities in India to understand the top qualities in a woman that are cherished by men and that make them attractive. While women are more attracted to a man’s personality, it is believed that men inherently place value on other qualities. Here is what men love and appreciate most about women, per the survey.
Here are the little things women don't realize men cherish about them:
1. Your personality
Yuri A / Shutterstock
Now, I’m skeptical of this because I’ve been burned out by guys, but my guy friends are adamant that the thing that makes them hang up over a girl is her personality rather than her looks. As one of my friends explained, “This one girl had me bad because she could even make doing taxes fun. I was hooked.”
2. Your smell
DimaBerlin / Shutterstock
I’ve personally witnessed this with one of my exes, who would go through the clothes in my laundry hamper to smell my dirty clothing. To a point, it makes sense. Everyone has a different smell, and our body odor has pheromones in it. When a guy’s very into you, he might start sniffing your clothes like my ex did.
Men liking how a woman smells is deeply rooted in our primal instincts, often linked to the subconscious detection of pheromones, which are chemicals that trigger attraction, and the concept of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC).
A 2021 study found that our body's unique genetic signature can be perceived through scent, attracting people more to those with dissimilar MHC genes and signifying potential genetic diversity in offspring. This attraction happens mainly on a subconscious level, making smell a decisive factor in initial attraction.
3. Your praise
Yuri A / Shutterstock
Guys are, in a lot of ways, like overgrown puppies with better toilet training. Do you know how puppies go crazy when you praise them and tell them they’re good boys?
Guys are very similar. They are addicted to getting praise and compliments from girls. It’s validating for them. So, it shouldn’t surprise you the lengths guys will go to get said praise.
4. Your quirks
maroke / Shutterstock
One guy who I used to date would always check my nails because he knew I loved doing quirky nail art and following Instagram nail art trends.
Eventually, he flat-out said that my love of having long, multicolored claws was kind of an obsession for him. Who’s to say that a guy won’t obsess over the quirky things that make you so uniquely you?
5. Your assertiveness
Gorgev / Shutterstock
From what I’ve been told by guy friends, most guys don’t like a doormat. Guys like a girl who will push back against him and give him boundaries not to cross.
A guy who’s really into strong women will see that and get a bit obsessed with her in an admiring way. A guy who is a misogynist will often get obsessed with “breaking” her. Either way, it’s better to be strong here.
The psychology behind assertiveness's advantages in relationships is that by clearly and confidently expressing your needs, wants, and boundaries, you foster mutual respect, open communication, and a stronger connection with your partner. This leads to greater relationship satisfaction and fewer conflicts.
A study published in Social and Personality Psychology Compass concluded that assertiveness allows you to feel heard and valued while respecting another person's perspective.
6. Your style
Look Studio / Shutterstock
Here’s a little confession I’ve heard from many guys I’ve dated: I’m not usually their type, but they just can’t stop thinking about the fact that my sense of style is awesome. If you have a good sense of fashion and know how to dress for your body, you’re already winning that game.
7. Your mystery
Edvard Nalbantjan / Shutterstock
If you want to get a guy to obsess over you, make a point of being a mystery to him. Mystery tends to reel them in and make them want to know more. Don’t spill your guts, as that tends to be about as attractive as it sounds to men.
Mystery is advantageous because it sparks curiosity, intrigue, and desire. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology found that it keeps the relationship exciting by allowing the imagination to fill in gaps about a partner. This can lead to a stronger initial attraction and a desire to know more about them. A little bit of mystery can fuel interest and engagement.
8. Your flaws
Miljan Zivkovic / Shutterstock
True story, sometimes it is the flaws you have that make guys go crazy over you. I, for example, have a six-inch long facial scar running from my forehead, through my eye, to my cheek.
A lot of guys have begged me to stop wearing makeup just because they were so obsessed with my “cartoon villain” scar. (Oddly enough, I wear makeup to hide it.)
9. Your femininity
Yuri A / Shutterstock
Most of my guy friends go crazy for feminine auras. I don’t understand how to build that aura due to my genderlessness, but I understand the power it holds. So, if you want him to obsess, embrace your inner femininity.
The advantages of femininity in relationships often stem from empathy, nurturing, strong emotional intelligence, and the ability to foster connection and intimacy. These traits can create a supportive and emotionally safe environment for partners, leading to greater relationship satisfaction and stability.
However, research from The University of California, Santa Barbara, concluded that healthy relationships require a balance of masculine and feminine qualities in each partner, regardless of gender.
Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer based out of Red Bank, New Jersey whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, New Theory Magazine, and others.