12 Ways To Make Him Think About You — All The Time
Fill his mind with thoughts of only you.

Do you think your guy is thinking about you right now? We all want to always answer that question with an emphatic yes!
Well, there are a few simple ways to encourage your guy’s wandering mind to always come back to you during even the busiest of days. If he's always thinking about you, it could mean that he truly, deeply cares for you and that you're always on his mind. Or... he could just be obsessed with you.
With a few well-placed innuendos in the morning, followed up with a few well-timed reminders during the day, he will be unable to focus on anything else but you. Follow these few guidelines to make him think about you all the time and stop wondering "Is he thinking about me?"
Because you know better than anyone that he probably is.
Here are 12 things to do that will make him think about you all the time:
1. Tease him early in the morning.
Walk around as long as possible in your underwear and "accidentally" brush your body up against his as you're getting ready for work.
Squeeze in a few subtle moments in which you bend over seductively. He won't know what to do with himself.
RELATED: 11 Little Things Men Secretly Adore About The Woman They Love
2. Kiss him.
Right before work, give him a good morning kiss he'll be thinking about all day long — a kiss that will leave him seriously considering calling in sick.
We're talking about a five-minute-long teasing kiss that will cause him to need a respirator to breathe.
3. Call or text him with subtle desire.
Use some form of modern technology to buzz him or ring him to just say, "Mmm..." A text to send could be sexual or just a short message like "I miss you." Either way, it'll surely make your man feel good.
As long as you aren’t monopolizing his device, a short suggestive text or call from you to remind him of your desire will be a sensual surprise.
4. Write him a lusty note.
Go old school and physically pen a lust note. It doesn't have to be long. In fact, a little slip of colored paper slid inside his pocket will be an alluring reminder of you when he's reaching into it for something else later.
You can be as subtle or as suggestive as you like.
5. Hide something naughty for him to find.
Alright, this is for those with a flair for the dramatics. Nothing’s going to make him think more about you than slipping a pair of your sexiest underwear into his briefcase, backpack, or laptop case.
Do be sure to put them somewhere safe where they won’t accidentally fall out in front of anyone... unless you want his coworkers thinking about you all day, too.
6. Do something completely unexpected.
If you always meet up after work, mix it up. Surprise him by showing up outside his office in a trench coat with nothing on underneath, or invite him to meet you at a bar you've never been to and instruct him to call you by the name "Isabella."
He'll be thinking you're slightly off your rocker in a scintillating way.
7. Share a slightly suggestive photo.
You’ve probably sent tons of hot selfies for his private viewing, but what about one that leaves him guessing?
Take a shot of your lingerie drawer, or of your lightly tousled bed sheets, or of the nape of your neck... you get the idea. Tease him with ambiguity.
8. Praise his bedroom talents.
Tell him what you love about him in bed. Think about the kinds of moves he performs that no man has pulled off quite so well.
Trust me, he wants to receive adoration for his techniques, which will only encourage him to come up with more ways to please you.
9. Share your fantasies.
Sometimes being asked about his fantasies may make a guy clam up, but there's a way to entice him into opening up more to you. You go first!
Start by sharing a fantasy that is doable in the moment and in your control, and then make it happen! He'll be emboldened to be thinking outside the box, and then when he has his own fantasies when you're not around, he'll likely imagine you as his co-star.
10. Listen to him.
When he wants to talk, listen. Really listen. Sometimes we are so busy multitasking, we only listen half-heartedly.
If he's not responding back to your flirty texts, ask him what he's thinking about. Then put your whole self into actively listening, encouraging him to share what's going on and then repeating back what you think you heard him say so he knows you've heard him and understand.
This will make him start to feel like you're interested in his life and just makes him want you more.
11. Keep your promises.
Do what you say you're going to do whenever possible. If you aren’t able to follow through on an enticing tease you've been hinting about because of a last-minute assignment or a family situation, be sure to acknowledge it.
Let him know why you're unable to keep the implied commitment and be sure to reschedule your much anticipated alone time.
12. Be silly and playful.
While all these suggestions may seem like you need to be overtly seductive to make him think of you, don't get hung up on that word. You know yourself and your mate, and what will and won't work. So, be sure to put your personal spin on everything.
Being silly and playful at moments will only make him fall in love with you even more.
Do unexpected things. Wrestle him on the couch. Grab whipped cream and squirt it on your nose. Or think of a silly, unique way to lead him into the bedroom. Basically, make him laugh, because love is supposed to be fun.
It's always a good idea to be yourself around your partner. And what's more fun than being able to truly be yourself when seducing your love?
The more ways you can show him that you want him, the more he'll want you, too — and the closer you will be in all areas of your relationship.
And if you aren't able to see him in person for whatever reason, be sure to send cute and flirty texts to make him think about you all day long.
Not only will these catch his attention, but these texts that will make him chase you will also put you at the front of his mind. Because when it comes to getting a guy to think about you constantly through text, it's all about the words you choose.
1. “I don’t think anyone makes me laugh as much as you do.”
2. “Thank you for always being there for me. I really don’t know what I would do without you.”
3. “You. Me. Takeout. Tonight.”
4. “I wish we were together right now, cuddling.”
5. “Thinking about you really does brighten my day.”
6. “Hey, sexy.”
7. “I had such a good time the other day. I wish every day was like that."
8. “You’re so hot."
9. “Are you even real? You’re so dreamy.”
10. “I can’t fall asleep, you’re the only person I can think about.”
11. “Why do I smile like an idiot when you’re texting me?”
12. “I just want to be curled up in your arms right now.”
13. “I’m in need of a handsome man later.”
14. “Shall we just call in sick tomorrow and spend the whole day together?”
15. “I think our lips should have a meeting ASAP.”
16. “You make me blush when you’re not even here.”
17. “Nobody understands me like you do.”
18. “You never fail to amaze me."
19. “My bed is way too big for just me... do you want to come and keep me warm?”
20. “I’m so proud of you.”
21. “You’re my whole world.”
22. “No one else compares to you. You’re my one in a million.”
23. “I can’t remember a life before you, and I wouldn’t want to. You light up my life like nobody else.”
24. “I always feel so safe in your arms.”
25. “Forever still isn’t enough time with you.”
26. "Thinking of you [cute emoji]."
27. “You still give my stomach butterflies like no one else.”
28. “If you want to stop by my house tonight, I’ll make it worth the journey.”
29. "You make me smile."
30. “I love you.”
It’s all about the little things, and they add up fast.
Spend time trying one new sultry thing a week to keep your relationship fresh and interesting for the both of you, guaranteeing the passion stays alive for the long haul.
Sheila Hageman is an author, teacher, and yogi who has appeared on numerous TV shows including Today Show, ABC News, NBC News, and as an expert on Bill Cunningham and Anderson Cooper. She has been featured in Salon, Mamalode, Mom Babble, and The Huffington Post. Visit her website for more.