The One Marriage Proposal Video You Need To See (Involving A Bus And A Robot)

This might be the best marriage proposal of all time.

Woman proposes with a sign adrianvidal | Billion Photos | canva / JodiJacobson | Getty Images Signature / Alissa Haslam | YouTube

"On July 30th Jeanne gathered up 60 of her closest friends and headed to downtown Seattle to propose to her partner Alissa at work... on a bus."

Yeah, we are all romantics at heart and we all watch marriage proposal videos. Lots of proposal videos.

But we bet you've never seen one as unique as this because there is a robot involved.

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This is how she surprised her partner.

Jeanne stood on top of a Washington Bus and held up signs so that Alissa could see them from one of the windows of the office she worked in.

See, "Alissa serves on the Board of the Washington Bus which is a nonprofit organization that engages young people in a democracy," and, as a couple, "They were instrumental in helping to pass Ref 74 which legalized gay marriage in WA."


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Alyssa wrote, "Just the night before, we were talking about romance and I pretty much told her she wasn't romantic. I am eating crow... and will be for a long time."

Alissa wrote a beautiful description of what happened that day, saying, "On July 30th I was pulled out of a meeting because of a 'disturbance' on the street."

But it was a good disturbance, and Alissa was not prepared for the beautiful display of love that was awaiting her.


She continued, "When I got to my office window, I saw my girlfriend standing on a bus across the street. What came next was the most genuine, funny, heartfelt marriage proposal."

Jeanne proceeded to go through the notes she held, standing on top of the bus.

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"A little over six years ago I met a girl... who stole my heart... and changed my life, our pets, and these people too. Yes... This is happening. I want to hear your little songs. Take care of yourself when you burn your hands. Continue to explore the world with you... even in our backyard. I want you standing next to me... For the rest of our lives. Forever and ever... and ever. I want to grow old with you. While we continue to be... young at heart... Alissa, will you marry me?"


Of course, Alissa said yes! And she couldn't get downstairs fast enough.

When she got downstairs, Jeanne ran towards her and got down on one knee, making the proposal official. There was even a Vote Bot there with flowers and hugs to celebrate this special moment between partners.

With all the rising pressures to make proposals stand out from the pack on social media, it's nice to see someone come up with something truly distinctive and personal. It's just two women in love. And that's beautiful.


RELATED: How I Planned My Best Friend's Flash Mob Marriage Proposal

Emily Francos is an experienced writer and editor. Her work has been featured in Unwritten and MSN, The Urban Writers, and more.