13 Mistakes Grown Men Don't Realize They Make That Annoy The Women They Love
From a guy who somehow got a beautiful woman to marry him.

There are a lot of lists of relationship mistakes women should stop making out there that focus on little things that annoy men. But I've noticed most of the same types of lists about men are focused on big mistakes and daily cruelties. So in the name of making this space impartial and fair, here are 13 mistakes men make in relationships that annoy the women they love (and ones just like a little).
13 things grown men do that annoy the women they like
1. They get philosophical during cuddle time
Easy Nietzsche, enjoy the silence. Wait until later to explain why you think the NFL is rigging games for Taylor Swift.
2. They watch TV, read, or scroll their timelines during an important conversation
Trust me, being able to recite the highlights (and a detail or two) of what she just said can go a long way. It's going to be tough if you have to ask yourself if she said it or if Joe Rogan did.
3. They keep their shirt on ... all the time.
Yes, I dapated this from Chelsea Handler but it's brilliant: There is nothing stranger than a man wearing nothing but a shirt, unless that man is also wearing sneakers and a hat.
4. They claim not to have a girlfriend
Do you spend money on her? Has she met your friends? Have you cuddled while sober on multiple occasions? Do you spend the night? Do you eat meals together at restaurants? Yes? Are you doing the same stuff with anyone else? No?
Yeah, she's probably your girlfriend and healthy relationships mean showing her off, not denying her existence.
5. They don't understand the value of cut flowers
Ana Blazic Pavlovic via Shutterstock
I know that paying money for something that is going to be all wilted in like three days seems crazy. But, as I've learned, sometimes rooms need a little brightening. Just go with it, OK?
6. They say, "You had me at 'hello''' or "You complete me" with sincerity
Nevermind. If you want to quote Jerry Maguire, don't let anyone stop you.
7. They show improper levels of jealousy
Some jealousy is good, natural, and a bit flattering. But starting a smear campaign against Aaron Pierre because he was a little too hot on the Jennifer Hudson show just makes you a hater.
8. They insist on a level of grooming they are in no way prepared to reciprocate
I'm not waxing my undercarriage. That's final. So I'm not going to demand such things from anyone else.
9. They try to solve every problem
Dude, sometimes we're supposed to just listen and empathize. Even if a solution is screaming at you like the HOT Light at Krispy Kreme, just listen. Maybe give advice if the same issue constantly comes up. But ask first.
10. They don't take the bait when she's fishing for a compliment
Compliment fishing, like fishing where people are swimming, can be annoying. But everyone needs a few kind words sometimes. Take the hint.
11. They take numbers from women they don't plan on calling
Mzynasx via Shutterstock
Honestly, is getting a whole mess of numbers still cool? And stop with the DMs if it's just to bide the time, OKAY?
12. They take their teams too seriously
Don't take your hatred for the Gators out on anyone else, OK? On a totally separate note, I'm not to be disturbed for four hours after any Clemson football loss.
13. They try to look cool in front of their friends
Yes, yes, bros before hoes, but if you're mean to her in front of your buddies, they will not respect her. I suppose if she tries to chump you in front of your boys, though, your hands are untied.
Tom Miller is a writer and performer based in Los Angeles. He's been a mechanical engineer, a banker, and now the general manager and coordinating video producer at YourTango.