The Factor That Makes People Fall In Love The Quickest, According To Research
How falling in love scientifically works.

No question falling in love is one of the greatest feelings in the world. But that doesn't mean that it can't get complicated from time to time.
Even if you love someone, there's no guarantee that person will ever return your feelings, and oftentimes, many relationships end up ending in heartbreak. It makes you wonder why so many people want something that isn't even guaranteed to last.
What's interesting is that there is a science to falling in love — how we fall in love, as well as why some relationships are more successful and more fulfilling than others.
According to research, love can be a significantly mind-altering feeling. It comes with highs and lows, happiness, and yes, even that butterfly sensation you get in your stomach at the sight of your new beau.
But what exactly causes those feelings? And how can you learn to separate love from lust — real love from simple attraction? The two go hand in hand, and can even get mistaken for each other, but there are big differences. Love is how you feel, and lust is how your body feels.
YourTango's Former Senior VP Melanie Gorman speaks with former author Dr. Sue Johnson, Marriage/Couples Counselor Gal Szekely, LMFT Dr. Rita DeMaria, and LCSW Marni Feuerman about the different ways that we can use the science of love to improve our relationships and make them stronger.
Yuri A / Shutterstock
Love is a natural part of life; there is a hormone that activates the minute that you find yourself falling for someone.
It activates our ability to stay with and protect the people we care about.
These hormonal changes cause you to end up getting starry-eyed over the connection that you feel, even if you don’t fully understand what you’re feeling, to begin with.
Also, if you've ever wondered why you're attracted to someone who is the complete opposite of you, it's because humans have an unconscious ability to be around those who have different traits from us. We thrive on those differences.
For instance, if you are more laid-back, chances are you will be attracted to someone more serious. Likewise, if you’re feeling serious, you might want to be with someone who can make you laugh.
Looking for this balance in others is a natural part of what makes you attracted to them.
Wanting to find that natural balance is a normal and engrained desire in us. Intimacy is also an important aspect of strengthening our bond with our partner.
Experts agree that the bond between people who genuinely love each other is stronger than that of people who are just being intimate for one night because of the amount of emotional comfort and intimacy between them.
This means that while a fling might be fun if you’re looking for lasting intimacy, it helps to choose a person that you feel a genuine, emotional connection with. Love is a choice you have to make every day, so make sure it's with someone you can see yourself being with forever.
YourTango is a purpose-driven publisher focused on love, relationships, emotional wellness, and self-empowerment.