Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Divorce Rehabilitation, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Empowering Women, Forgiveness, Infidelity / Affair Recovery, Life Management, Marriage, Online Dating, Self-Esteem, Spiritual



Additional Expertise

Counselor/Therapist, Dating Coach, Divorce Recovery Coach, Hypnotherapist, Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage/Couples Counselor, Mentor, Relationship Coach, Spiritual Coach, Spiritual Healer

About Tamara Green

You came to this profile because you are probably in some sort of pain or emotional agony regarding love. You are searching for clarity, for help, or even confirmation that you are not alone with your love problem. You may be feeling a lack of love from another, or from yourself. Over the years as a Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist and Loving Relationship Expert, I have heard these words from people describing how they feel regarding the hardships of love. Do any of these resonate with you? - Loneliness, depression, despair, fear, powerlessness, confusion, frustration, isolation, feeling lost, limitation, separation, a sense of lack, the feeling of being wronged, or even all of the above.
Pain is usually the motivator for the most significant change in one’s life, especially regarding love. Therefore, pain is your guide. I know how much it hurts because I’ve been there, too. Go ahead and check out my personal love story and, as you will see, it certainly wasn’t all roses in the beginning. My story has offered a lot of hope to many people and I know it will for you, too. It’s not easy to be where you are now, so I commend you for making this very important step of seeking help.
Hi, I'm Tamara Green, LCSW an experienced Loving Relationship Expert, Psychotherapist and Certified Hypnotherapist. I am passionate about guiding singles to find their soulmates and couples to heal their relationships. Elle Magazine dubbed me the “Soul-centered Psychotherapist and Loving Relationship Expert.” My clients have told me that I am an exciting catalyst for profound healing. I have devoted my life to helping people rise out of pain and fear and into overflowing abundance and meaning.
As well as working 1-on-1, I run teleclasses and workshops that take singles, couples and spiritual seekers on a profound journey of recognizing the falsehoods in their life, removing the blocks, and clearing the path to awakened living and loving. After taking a teleclass, one woman shared with me that I took her ‘soul out of prison’. Now that’s exciting!
As an energy healer, intuitive, and seer, I will assist you in acknowledging and operating from your Highest Self. You really do have all the answers to your own questions. My job is to help you to get out of your own way so that you can tune into your internal wisdom and, as a result, actualize your dreams of a loving relationship - with yourself and with your beloved.
I am regularly featured on radio shows, telesummits and speaking engagements. In keeping with my strong belief of being of loving assistance to this world, I run a complimentary weekly international meditation tele-group called Miracle Mondays Meditations, and all are invited to attend. That’s right, it’s FREE, so no more excuses on beginning your spiritual practice. Can’t make the calls? No worries because all of the meditations are available in the shop. Studies show that meditation can help you in almost every area of your life including relationships, health, financial, vitality, youth, beauty and sex. It’s time to build your meditation library NOW.

What’s also absolutely FREE is a 1-on-1 forty-five minute Loving Guidance Session with me. No sales pitch, just an offering of my loving guidance to help you achieve clarity, develop an action plan, and to experience hope with your particular problem. I look forward to connecting with you soon!

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