5 Hot Tips To Rekindle A Summer Romance

Give old love a spicy fresh start for summer.

Rekindling a summer romance M_a_y_a | Canva

Do you remember the scene in Grease when Sandy and Danny recount their versions of summer love? When you hear this song, do you think back to the "good ol' days" before you had the responsibilities that come with being a grown-up? Do you remember hot summer nights, sweaty bodies, loud music, and lots of fun? Do you ever wish you could capture that again?

Summer love isn't just for singles who are cruising the dating scene, trying out someone new each weekend. Summer is a wonderful time to heed relationship advice and reignite the romance in your long-term commitment! You might be married, but you're not dead. You've still got it, you just may have forgotten. Here are a few suggestions for getting your groove back this season.


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Here are 5 hot tips to rekindle a summer romance:

1. Update your look

Go on. Buy yourself a flirty little dress, get a new hairdo, and how about a new pair of sexy sandals to show off your pedicure? Or, simply fluff your hair, smooth out your clothes, and put on some lipstick. You're gorgeous, now go rock it!

2. Be spontaneous

Throw out your to-do list for the day, turn off your phone, and close the day planner. Now, go on a romantic getaway.


You may find yourself in an area of your city you've never explored, at a cafe listening to some local music, or sharing a banana split in the park. You have to admit, this is a lot more fun than what you had scheduled.

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3. Try something new

Embrace your adventuresome side that got packed away in a closet with your college textbooks. Dust off your hiking boots and set out on a day-long trip, equipped with matches for a fire, because who knows where you may sleep tonight. Or, hop on a zip-line or try rock-climbing.

They are rekindling summer romance with a food adventure Twinsterphoto via Shutterstock


Seriously, is there anything more attractive than a woman with a ponytail, huffing and puffing and squealing with delight? I think not!

4. Be lazy

Rainy days provide the best "excuse" for being lazy, so take advantage and spice things up with a day-long bed-in. Get up and stretch now and then, but enjoy a quiet day reading to each other, listening to music, talking about love, and cuddling. Tell me you wouldn't want it to rain every day!

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5. Have fun

Remember what you and your partner used to do when you first started dating? Where did he take you? What was the most fun? Revisit those places and rekindle that spark of love you once had. Yes, this can happen at a bowling alley, roller rink, or fast food restaurant. Your tastes might not have been so refined, but your love life was pretty spicy, so it’s worth the try!


You'll notice these suggestions do not require a fat wallet or an entourage. They will work to add a little spice to anyone's life. But first, focus on you. It's time for a fresh start, so spice it up with some summer lovin'. You'll have a blast.

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Lisa L. Payne is a life transitions coach, motivational speaker, and author of the book, "What If They Knew? Secrets of an Impressive Woman."