10 Reasons To Get Some Erotica And Get Yourself Off STAT!

It's time to take your orgasm into your own hands.

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Hey ladies! Masturbation is safe, fun and good for you. 

OK, I know deep down you're asking, "why can't I just find a wonderful man with great sex skills and heart melting chemistry and boink like bunnies?" I know, I know.

But taking care of your own sexual needs will go a long way in taking pressure off yourself until that man of yours comes along. Plus, orgasms may help your broken heart heal and they're painkillers


That's where erotica comes in ... I personally include erotica as part of my sex life while I am waiting for my Mr. Next to show up. Here are 10 reasons why:  

1. Easy enough, erotica turns me on, and I'm not alone. In 2011, $10 billion was pent on romance books by women in the U.S.

2. It feels just a bit naughty and as a natural-born rebel, I love that feeling.

3. It's becoming more socially acceptable for women to talk about and engage in solo sex. For grown up Catholic girls like me, I can still barely say the word "masturbation" but I have come to adore solo sex. After all, solo is the safest.


4. It can be pretty hot for men just thinking about a woman who thinks about sex. It gets hotter for you when it is hotter for him. You can't lose.

5. I sleep better after masturbating, especially after reading erotica. 

6. I love to write my own erotica. One time my ex and I were serving jury duty together and in the waiting room, I wrote a short story. I passed my computer to him every few paragraphs. It was so fun watching his face as he read it.

7. No one knows me better than me. Even if I am with a great partner, it's my responsibility to make sure my sexual tank is full. I am a better lover when I love myself first.

8. Women's libido not withstanding, it's still hard for some women to openly talk about their lack of sexual satisfaction. Dabbling in erotica creates the opportunity for truth and conversation about sexual desire and pleasure.


9. Sex sells. When I embraced erotica and began to publish my short stories, my blog readership exploded and people began to spend money on the websites. Prosperity seems to follow great sex, a nice fringe benefit. Who knew?

10. There's nothing like the Big O. We should have as many as we want, whether we are single, married or anywhere in between.

Erotica is far more than a flight of fancy. Your very health and well being is at stake. I hope you will be inspired to do a little investigation for yourself, and you can start right here. Come visit me. I can't wait to see what you think.


You might also enjoy this video: "Why men love when you talk dirty and how to do it without being embarrassed."

Catherine Behan is a Dating, Sex and Intimacy Coach practicing in San Diego, CA. For a free 20 minute chat to explore your Sexual Confidence or lack thereof, click here.