3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On December 28, 2024
If a challenge comes along we can whip it.
Here we are with a precious few days left of the year. On December 28, 2024, the challenges still exist — but three zodiac signs tap into their resilience to rise above them.
OK, so bring it on challenges. Let's get you out of the way to proceed according to plan. Life is not easy, but that squared Saturn energy works both ways.
Moon square Saturn taps into that inner reservoir of bravery and brilliance, and for at least three zodiac signs, this day will be 'the last round-up.' That means if we've left something undone, it will be done. If we need closure, we'll get closure, and if a challenge comes along, we can whip it.
Three zodiac signs rise above challenges on December 28, 2024:
1. Gemini
Adrian Mag, Trendify | Canva Pro
Fortunately, the challenges that will come up for you are the ones you've been expecting, and so you are quite prepared. It's not that you love this moment, but being prepared lightens the load of whatever is to come.
Moon square Saturn shows you, Gemini that Murphy's law is in action, and that doesn't necessarily mean something 'bad' will happen, but that 'it could', so it's best to be safe rather than sorry. Moon square Saturn taps into that detail-oriented part of your nature, and here is where you are well equipped.
If it's just about paying attention to the fine details, then done, done and done. You've got this, Gemini. Yes, you'll be challenged on this day, but also, yes, you'll be able to tackle whatever problems arise. You are bigger than any problem, and you know it. Been there, done that, wrote the book. Success.
2. Leo
Adrian Mag, Trendify | Canva Pro
Alrighty then. You feel good and ready to go on this day, December 28. Your attitude is on point, and so is your outfit. You just can't help but pay attention to every detail, and if truth be known, you want to show off. You wouldn't be you if you couldn't show your flair; you get to get out there and do so.
You may find that not everyone can keep up with you and that they might try to drag you down because of their lack of energy. OK, let them be that way. "Let them." You don't have to break your stride, Leo; you can continue on as you go.
The challenge of the day lies in accepting that others are not as 'peppy' as you are and deal with it. All you need to know is that you feel good and everything works out. Concern yourself less with how others perceive you; keep your eyes on the prize — your happiness.
3. Virgo
Adrian Mag, Trendify | Canva Pro
The kind of challenge you will be dealing with is petty enough to forget by tomorrow, so there's nothing 'big' to deal with now. Still, the little things can bum you out, so it's important to know that 'this too shall pass.'
It's likely that someone will grate on your nerves and that it's probably a work-related thing. That's OK; you've been down this road before, but the cool part about dealing with it today is that you have experience under your belt: you know how to walk away.
And if rising above a challenge means you must walk away from it to preserve your mental health, that is good for you, Virgo. You're the one who writes your rulebook. You aren't here to fold simply because someone else stands in your way. Walk around them that's all.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.