3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs On November 4, 2024
A lucky day for sharing and caring.

Nothing like a little luck, eh? November 4, 2024 shows us that luck is our destiny, and if we are one of the three luckiest zodiac signs due for a little of that good fortune, we will thank our lucky stars that it happened to us on this Monday.
The good fortune we experience is more than likely romantic luck, and it is also going to be displayed in an interesting way. We aren't just looking at luck in love, we are looking at a very clever way of reaching that destination. Say for instance we have a fight with our partner; the road to making up after an argument should be very powerful, indeed.
Moon conjunct Venus lets us know that love is our destiny, but that it takes work. When we realize that the love in our lives takes work, we also realize that it's OK to do this work, that we do it out of love and respect for the other person. This is horoscope of sharing and caring, and we might find that we are truly at our best on Monday.
Three luckiest zodiac signs on November 4, 2024:
1. Taurus
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Good luck, Taurus ... you're going to need it. And, you're going to get it, too, as this day brings you luck from far above. You've got Moon conjunct Venus to show you that all it takes is a little loving care, and that when you show love, you receive it almost immediately.
Monday gets a make over, and you begin to see your fortune in a different light. An old flame of yours may suddenly come into focus. You've held out for this person for a long time, and for reasons only know to you, you've kept them at arm's length.
It might just be the right time to let them back into your life. You love this person, and you've been simultaneously scared of being hurt by them, but Moon conjunct Venus shows you there's nothing to fear. What needed to heal is now healed, and so ... let the luck turn into luckiest in love.
2. Gemini
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If you wake up in a chipper mood, then go right ahead and share the wealth, Gemini, as this day is all about bringing your best game to the forefront. The people in your life are open to you and your ideas, and you'll see that there's a general enthusiasm going on where you are concerned.
Because of the transit Moon conjunct Venus, you'll see that luck really does seem to be on your side. What you want, you get. What you think about, manifests as greatness. You are in spectacular form as the luckiest zodiac sign, and it would be wise to make the best of it.
Good energy follows you everywhere on Monday, Gemini, and in every department. So, if it's love you want ... you got it. If you feel like showing off your talents, then you'll play to an appreciative audience. If you feel like making money, then go for it. Luck is your middle name and your horoscope supports your efforts.
3. Sagittarius
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You aren't usually one to count on the luck of the day, but when you do come across a day such as this one, you go all in. Generally, you're a pretty optimistic person. You aren't counting on good fortune to get through, simply because you usually attribute your good fortune to something you, yourself, have created your luck.
You'll notice that it's not just you who's doing the heavy lifting but your good luck. You are definitely getting a helping hand from the universe and you know it. You are grateful, but you are also not going to let this big chance to be the luckiest zodiac sign pass you by.
You feel exceptionally lucky and gifted during this time and you will completely take advantage of your position. You feel joyous and content to be a part of this great life of yours, and if this is what luck feels like, then you will offer it more and more space in your life as you go on. It's all good.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.