3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On June 18, 2024

Three zodiac signs will feel good about themselves for making the right moves.

strong woman rising above astrology challenges on june 18 Dynamic Wang via Unsplash / KT Paper Designs and Artulina via Canva

On Tuesday, June 18, we see that we are a whole lot bigger than any obstacle that may stand in our way and if we're handed a challenge, we will rise above it with almost no problem. Today, three specific zodiac signs might almost feel 'chosen' to 'be the bigger person' in certain cases. It might also feel like a test of sorts, one that we will see as challenging at first, but doable, nonetheless. 


With the presence of Moon trine Saturn in our cosmic sky, we already know that something is going to be difficult, but that lunar presence is there to guide us through it in trine formation. 

While it's not the kind of day that has us shouting a victorious salute by day's end, it allows these three zodiac signs to feel good about themselves for choosing the right moves. We are able to rise above challenges because we feel that we can see them as opportunities to learn more about ourselves.


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3 zodiac signs rise above challenges on June 18, 2024

1. Aries

aries rise above challenging horoscope june 18 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

There are moments when you feel as though all the universe ever hands you are challenges and tests, and even though you keep on passing each one, you sometimes wonder if you have the endurance to keep up. During Moon trine Saturn on June 18, you will once again be faced with one such challenge — and once again, you will rise above.


On one hand, you really like knowing that you are always strong enough to endure and march on. But on the other hand, you'd really like a break someday! Fear not, Aries — your break is coming, and if it takes a few more meaningful 'challenges' then count yourself as someone who can always take them on and rise victorious.

If you feel as though it's 'people' who do the challenging, then these people will be your personal teachers in this game of life. If it's money that presents the challenge, then you'll make enough to get by. It matters not what the challenge is, Aries — it's the fact that the Moon trine Saturn transit aids you through rising above today.

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2. Gemini

gemini rise above challening horoscope june 18 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva


Even if you feel as though your life is one big challenge, you're going to feel that during the Moon trine Saturn transit, the challenge of the day is not only something you can handle but something that actually makes you stronger. You don't shrink from challenges, Gemini. You see them all as opportunities to grow and become a better person — and it's working.

Life hands you lemons and you whip up the most splendid of lemonades, as no one else can do, Gemini. And with the presence of Moon trine Saturn in your sphere, you will find that if there's a roadblock that prevents you from furthering on, then you will easily create a detour. You do not see obstacles, you only see ways of getting around them.

Moon trine Saturn shows you that you are so much more ingenious than you ever thought — and you know yourself to be pretty clever. Still, there's no end to your cleverness and when presented with a challenge, you simply add it to your list of achievements because you will rise above and conquer if that's what must take place. You are always the winner, as you see no such thing as defeat.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius rise above challenging horoscope june 18 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

Whereas another person may not find the strength to continue on as you do, you know that all the challenges of your life are exactly what have made you the warrior you are now. And on June 18, during Moon trine Saturn, you'll once again accept that challenge knowing it will only do you good. You've started to roll with these challenges as you no longer see them as obstacles to your path of glory. And while another person might not be able to handle what you do so well, it's not like you want to be challenged so frequently; it's that you are able to bounce back rapidly and with a much stronger disposition.

This shows up during the transit of Moon trine Saturn, and you'll see that on Tuesday, you're able to rise above and still remain true to yourself, Sagittarius. We all know that this is ultimately what is most important to you, this ability to remain true to yourself. If the challenge is there to sway you from your course, then you will change the challenge to suit you. You never deviate from your personal truth.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
