3 Zodiac Signs Put The Past Behind Them On March 19, 2024

We are ready to embrace the present and the future.

3 Zodiac Signs Put The Past Behind Them On March 19, 2024 Chikovnaya, Wayan Balik Mustika, Maridav, Graphix's images, STILLFX from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Because we are entering Aries season, this day, March 19, 2024, marks the Vernal equinox, when Spring returns with all of its natural charm and beauty. We may see that we are experiencing a new kind of resolve. We love ourselves, and for some of us, that's not easy to understand. However, during the Vernal equinox, there's a shift. We will feel it, and with that shift comes a twist in the way we see things.


What's going on, and primarily for the three zodiac signs, is that we come to understand that our actions of the past are no longer up for judgment, even though there are people in our lives who seem to be determined to make us hold on to guilt.



We are not here to apologize for something we've already made amends with. We are not here to continuously rehash the past so that someone else can enjoy us and wriggle in guilt. We've paid our price, and we are ready to embrace the present and the future.


We aren't so much 'refusing' to apologize for past behavior as we are tired of repeating the same guilt-infused reaction to a person who can't let up on us. So, on this day, March 19, during the Vernal equinox, we will say no to doling out yet another apology. We need to move on, and so do they. Nobody wants to feel as though they should live in a constant state of regret. So, during the Vernal equinox, three zodiac signs free themselves of the guilt that just won't let up.

Three zodiac signs put the past behind them on March 18, 2024:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

The main reason you refuse to apologize is that, in all honesty, you don't believe you have anything to apologize for. This may make someone else very mad at you. Even if you did apologize to them simply to appease their desire, they would know that you weren't sincere. This is not required of you, Aries. If you aren't living up to someone else's expectation of what you're supposed to do, then truly, that one's on them.

You've been wronged, and somehow, you're the one who is supposed to take the blame. As you move into Aries season, you'll see that your strength comes back to you once again. It lets you know that you owe no one an apology and that you won't play into this game. You are ready for peace, forgiveness, and moving on, but do you need to apologize? That seems like someone else's power trip, and you want only to live in peace.


So, it's not so much a matter of refusing to apologize but more along the lines of refusing to be a part of an ongoing game where you're supposed to be 'the bad guy' when you totally know that you're actually the good guy in all of this. You will remain strong and true, Aries, and you will do the right thing by yourself. The games are someone else's problem, and you don't want to join in as so much of your part in their game ends up with you feeling sad. You want nothing to do with sadness.

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2. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

There's a reason why you won't say you're sorry to that one person who won't talk to you unless you take it upon yourself to heal that relationship, and that is because you are no longer interested in trying. That's OK, Gemini. What you've come to know is that sometimes, things just fade. Even friendships. Even familial relationships. It just so happens that on March 19, during the Vernal equinox, you'll see that you no longer feel any need to reconnect through an apology or otherwise.


You feel joyful and full of hope as the Vernal Equinox welcomes you in with open arms. You feel as though you've finally healed. You aren't sure that apologizing to this other person is going to do anything for them, as you know you have no strong ties to them anymore. What you see is that the entire apology scene would be anti-climactic. No grand healing will take place, and no reunion will ensue. And you'd be right, Gemini.

There is no further need for you to revisit this past situation, as time has already done its work on the relationship. You are now expected to move on. No apology is necessary. We tend to think that an apology is what will set us free. So many times, whether we receive one or give one, it ends up meaning very little, as we have already grown and moved on. You'll be just fine. Continue to seek happiness, as you will definitely find it.

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3. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)


You feel as though you are being pressured to come up with some kind of apology to the person you hurt, but you also know that you already apologized to them long ago. You aren't really fond of the idea that you are somehow supposed to continuously feel guilty over whatever happened and that if you ever have anything to do with this person again, you're supposed to maintain some kind of apologetic attitude. You resent this kind of controlling behavior, and you'd rather have nothing to do with it.

What the Vernal Equinox shows you is that it's up to THEM to get their act together and change. It seems that the person who constantly needs you to take responsibility for what happened so long ago is stuck in their mind. This is their problem, and while you may have care for them and wish them only the best, you can't stick around for this any longer.

You refuse to be a slave to the past, and that makes you feel as though you don't need to give yet another apology. What's done was done, and there's no going back. You have moved on, and you did it in accordance with nature. You did what you had to do, and you don't wish to continue with the work of the past. This person is going to have to learn that life is ticking on and that they need to get with the living.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.