3 Zodiac Signs Are Champions For Love On March 12, 2024

It all works out well, because we are the ones who have made it so.

3 Zodiac Signs Are Champions For Love On March 12, 2024 vkstudio, Riddhima's Images, miyukifdk Fukuda | Canva Pro

On this day, March 12, 2024, we will see the Moon harmonizing with both Mars and Venus. What that means for many of us is that we will join forces with the person we love or wish to love. We have come to a place in our lives where we see it all as both infinite and limited.

At the same time, that most certainly presents a very broad spectrum. What this essentially means is that we know that there's someone in our lives we want to love, and we know that time doesn't allow us 'forever' in this respect, so once again, March transits are about timing.


And the timing we will be working with on this day is the kind that kicks us in the butt and lets us know that we have to be the champions of our own love lives. If we are to have a love life, that is. So, once again, it's up to us. Do we sit back in the corner and wait for the victory of love to show up, or do we brave the 'great outdoors' and simply 'make it happen?' This day has three zodiac signs taking the hint.


During Moon harmonizing with Mars and Venus, we know that we are the stronger of the two people involved. If this involvement has anything to do with love, romance and literally speaking up and making one's intentions known, then this is the day we confess. It takes courage to do so, but that courage leads to the knowledge that it all works out well. We are the ones who made it so. We are the champions (my friend...)

The zodiac signs who are champions for love on March 12, 2024:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

You may have seen a day or two during recent times that you felt threatened by the idea that maybe things between you and your romantic partner aren't as ideal as you thought, and you don't like thinking that something could go wrong. While you're a realist, and you are fully able to comprehend the idea that couples do argue, even if your partnership comes with much arguing, you don't ever want to part with the person you are with.

This is someone you love above all others, and while you've seen some dark moments between the two of you you make an 'executive' decision to fight for this person's love, as you cannot see living without them in your life. And because the Moon harmonizes with Mars and Venus cosmically supports you, you'll see that your efforts are not in vain.


What you are able to create on this day is an atmosphere of peace, as if you've held up a white flag. Your partner is readily there to respond to your white flag as they can see in you that you are very serious and that you do not want to lose them. This arouses in them their desire to fight for the relationship, so don't be surprised if, by day's end, the two of you are giggling with relief over the idea that love did, in fact, save the day.

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2. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

What's going on in your case, Libra, is that during Moon harmonizing with Mars and Venus on March 12, you'll find the nerve to go out there and get the person you want to be your partner because not only will your gift of charm come to your rescue, but your sincerity will shine through. Like a true champion, you will rise to the top and become the hero of this love story.


You may have had to mull this over before attempting to reach out to this person because, in all truth, you have had your reservations, but so much of that reluctance is based on past experiences. What Moon harmonizing with Mars and Venus has you coming to understand is that the present is not the past. There's no need to see this new person as an extension of some past negative experience. They don't deserve that, and neither do you, Libra.

What you'll see happening on this day is that what appears to be a challenge for you is something that eggs you on so that you master this challenge and go all the way in the name of love. You will confess your love to someone on this day. They will accept it wholeheartedly because they see in your eyes that you are honest, sincere and very, very much in love with them. This is their thrill, as well as yours, Libra.

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3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)


It's all about timing yourself on this day, March 11, as you feel that all the planets are lining up in such a way that you feel empowered by them. And guess what? You're right, Pisces. On this day, you'll enjoy the power and the incentive that comes with the transit of the Moon harmonizing with Mars and Venus. By incentive, we are looking at what happens to you when you put in the right amount of effort with the right amount of time in your love life.

You hit all the marks on this day, Pisces, and that is because you want to. You finally feel confident about who you are, and surprisingly enough, you really like yourself. You are happy to admit that you're pretty terrific. Knowing this, you're able to champion your relationship in such a way that your partner will practically be driven to applause.

You are sincerely a lover and not a fighter. All of this shows up during the Moon harmonizing with Mars and Venus, as you're given a chance to fight for love. The person you love needs to hear something from you in order for this day to be complete, and you know just what to say. By taking it upon yourself to listen to the needs of your partner and to give them what they want, you become the hero of the day. This is how you establish yourself as a champion for love.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.