3 Specific Zodiac Signs Are Likely To Confront Their Fears This Week
We confront our fear of the unknown and it turns out to be great, after all.

What we'll notice going on during the week of March 4 - 10, 2024, is that, for three zodiac signs, there's a feeling of 'it's now or never.' And while that might bring on the pressure, we are also clear enough during this week to know that we can both take the pressure and make the right move because of it. We may feel it, but it's not going to hold us back. If anything, that pressure is going to have us taking care of something that has long gone neglected.
With our week starting with Moon sextile Saturn, we'll see that this 'pressure' is for the good. All that's needed is 'our' participation. With Mars sextile Node coming up on March 6, we can also rest assured that whatever is so pressing will benefit our lives tremendously if only we'd get a move on. With Moon's conjunction with Mars slipping in towards the latter part of the week, we might just jump in, realizing that the 'now or never' part is a reality.
What this entire week is about for these three zodiac signs is the idea of fear of the unknown and what to do or not do about it. We don't know what the 'other side' of the coin will bring us.
We certainly do get to confront the fact that we've been putting off this knowledge. It may be too late if we don't act now. So, we do act now. We confront our fear of the unknown, and who knows, maybe it will turn out to be a great thing after all. We have to try if we're going to find out!
Three zodiac signs confront their fears this week:
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
Healing energy surrounds you this week. In your case, as it goes, in order for you to heal it, you have to 'feel' it. The 'feelings' this week will unearth old memories and trigger bad memories. That's all fine, Taurus, as this is something you, yourself, recognize as a necessary part of the healing that you completely agree you need.
What hurts the most is that you might feel regret over past mistakes, knowing that you can't go backward to make anything 'right' again. That, too, is OK, as you are pretty much on the right track for making the best out of what you have available to you right now. You'll be in touch with emotions you haven't felt in years. That may bring up old pains.
What you can work on to make it better:
You can be the living example of change in your own life. While you are one hundred percent responsible for your actions in the past, no matter how regrettable they may be, you are now here with a fresh slate, as every day gives you a second chance. You are not locked into the past, and you know it. This gives you wings, Taurus, and this is exactly what lets you feel as though you are not 'stuck.'
2. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
What a fantastic week of change and transformation for you, Sagittarius, as you go over a few old memories that could be both traumatic and powerful in terms of the change waiting for you to step into. While none of that sounds all that 'fantastic,' what you notice is that the more you confront, the freer and lighter you feel, as if by magic. The feeling of liberation is almost uncanny.
However, getting there takes a mental shovel, and you'll be unearthing a few dark memories. What you have been feeling so rough is that you'll take your time with these memories because you know that you need to get to the bottom of them if you're ever to rise above. The whole goal of the week is to rise above and take up your mantel as a 'conqueror.'
What you can work on to make it better:
What you can do is trust that the universe has your best interests at heart and that everything in your life has a reason and a purpose. While we humans tend to look for meaning in everything, you, Sagittarius, will find meaning in your past actions. You will be able to free yourself from blaming others as well as yourself. It's time to shed that snakeskin and live in the present, as you will.
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
Holding on to grudges no longer suits you. While it never did, you still clung to your idea of what is right and what is wrong when it comes to how you perceive this one particular person in your family. You never really gave them a chance. As time went on, you came to see that maybe you misjudged them and that perhaps they weren't as awful as you made them out to be.
This shows that you are growing and learning to accept that there are two sides to every story and that it's OK to forgive people, even if those people are YOU. This is an intense week for you, Pisces, as this is also your birthday season. That always brings up a lot of emotional stuff for you. You'll feel saddened by the past but resolute about the future.
What you can work on to make it better:
One of the things you can do to help yourself is to notice how time really does what the old cliche says it does, which is to heal all wounds. How interesting, and to see it happening in your own life is very special. You can weigh the value of the negative experiences in your life this week and notice that things aren't as 'heavy' as they once were. This is your healing, Pisces. And it feels good, doesn't it?
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.