3 Zodiac Signs Feel Let Down By Love On January 11, 2024
You might be in for a rude awakening on this day.

You know that feeling that you have, the one you can't stop thinking about ... the one that alerts you on so many levels that you feel you can't look away from it? That's Moon and Neptune telling you to investigate further, as this day, January 11, 2024, is definitely going to reveal the source of that nagging feeling ... for three zodiac signs.
Whether we believe we can be psychic or not, it really doesn't matter as everyone has, at one point or another, trusted their gut feeling enough to see that 'ah, yeah, we were right all along' about something we felt, that hadn't been proved until it was. That day is January 11, 2024, and the transit that makes the unthinkable known is Moon and Neptune.
What does this spell? Well, for starters, this transit is associated with the discovery of betrayal, so if you have suspected that maybe someone in your life hasn't been as upfront with you as they should have been, then you might be in for a rude awakening, even if you've been expecting it to happen. Three zodiac signs will, unfortunately, come face to face with betrayal on this day, January 11, 2024, during the transit of Moon sextile Neptune.
Three zodiac signs feel let down by love on January 11, 2024:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
You can't say you didn't see this one coming because you did, and you knew that betrayal was going to make itself known to you sooner or later; you just didn't know the exact date. And, as it has it, that day is now, January 11, 2024, and because of the transit Moon and Neptune, there will be no denying what's going on here. You might be mad at yourself for not sniffing it out earlier and calling this person out on what you suspected to be true, but ... better late than never, as they say.
Being betrayed, even when you know it's coming, doesn't lighten the pain, and you will still feel that burning anger and disappointment of knowing that someone you trusted really did what they did. How disgusting! You, being an Aries, will drive that pain right into the danger zone, where you can master it rather than having it consume you whole. You won't allow this pain to eat you alive.
You knew ... you knew. During Moon and Neptune, it all comes out in the wash. In a way, it's a testimony to your psychic abilities, and in another way, now you know that you can sense when a betrayal is coming, and that's just a harsh lesson to be learned. Will this thwart your trust forever in people, Aries? No, you'll be OK, but this one is smart. It really does, and you just didn't expect that it would feel this bad — so sorry.
2. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
This day, January 11, 2024, has you feeling as though you are the fool of the month, as you can hardly believe that yet another person got one over on you. You really thought you'd gotten yourself out of the betrayal game and that you'd mastered the way out of the naïveté that always has you insisting that nobody would ever want to hurt you.
Well, Sagittarius, it's not so much that people 'want' to hurt you. They don't. It's more along the lines that you believe people are so well intended and that you're such a good person that why would they ever do such a thing to YOU?
That is naïveté and during the transit of Moon and Neptune, you will see just how much more you have to learn when it comes to putting all your eggs into one basket. The person who betrays you on this day, January 11, 2024, is the person whom you believe wants to take care of you for a lifetime, and yet, bingo! No such luck. It seems they were capable of betraying you, after all.
What's interesting about how Moon and Neptune affects you is that being that you've been down this road before, you are able to get yourself out of the pain much quicker. Fool me once, fool me twice — that kind of thing. You may not be completely free from naiveté, but you are definitely one to learn a lesson the hard way. Betrayal feels bad but teaches well and you are a quick study, Sagittarius.
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
What did you pick up in that dream the other night, the one that gave you that really weird, bad vibe? That was the precursor of things to come and on this day, January 11, 2024, your dream is about to show up in the form of betrayal. You're always tapped into your psyche, and while you aren't always able to translate the language of your dreams, the 'feeling' is there and the feeling you got was one of betrayal ... and during Moon and Neptune, that feeling will be verified.
It's not good news, but in a way, you were expecting it, as that's what your psyche prepared you for when you had that dream. You are always very emotionally open, and sometimes perhaps too much, or rather too much for your good. You didn't really think that the person you loved and trusted would actually go through with betraying you. Yet, they did and now you aren't sure what to think. All you know is that it hurts.
You may not want to take it all in on this day, as it is a lot to process. However, the days to come will show you that you have ample amounts of anger building up inside you. What, at first, feels like a rotten turn of events, over time, becomes a point of contention for you. During Moon and Neptune, what goes on inside your mind bubbles and brews into a full-blown anger session. What you don't realize right now is that this betrayal is just the tip of the anger iceberg for you.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.