3 Zodiac Signs End The Day Strong On December 27, 2023
There's something very fickle about what goes on during this day, and we need to be aware of it.

By the time this date rolls around, December 27, 2023, we might have our minds set on certain things happening, but what we might also find out on this day, during the transit of Mercury square Neptune, is that those things are just not meant to be. This is an oddball transit, as it sets us up with false hope; there's something very fickle about what goes on during this day, and we need to be aware of it.
While it may just look and feel like any other day, there will be three zodiac signs here that will come to see something in their world change radically and without warning. This doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing, but it's the shock of it all, the suddenness and the surprise that may throw us for a loop. It is all about sharp contrast and sudden change, and not everyone likes that.
This may also be the day when we argue with someone who completely annoys us and that could potentially set the day up for us. Suddenly, we realize that we feel intolerant and hostile and that, weirdly, it feels good. We enjoy instigating battles and while we don't want to stick around to fight them, we're quite willing to get on someone else's nerves, just for the 'fun' of it.
Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 27, 2023:
1. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
This day is practically tailor-made for you, especially because you like to get into embroiled entanglements with friends and loved ones. You have to admit that you don't mind arguing with people, as you have this tendency to believe that you are not only right but the one who will rise above all at the end of the argument. During the transit of Mercury square Neptune, you're absolutely going to pick a fight with someone, but the 'rough' part is that they are going to cut you off.
That's not to say they are going to cut you out of their life; no, but they are going to shut you down and on December 27, 2023, you may just feel as though you really started a fight with the wrong person. You like being right; you like being the person to blab on without being interrupted and you like being the one who gets to stand on your platform and say, 'I told you so!' You have been told off and put in your place.
That's not your Gemini idea of fun, nope. The big change that comes with Mercury square Neptune is the change that shows you that you're not only NOT always right, but that you may just get into a word-brawl with someone who is ... dare I say ... smarter than you. EGADS, not that! Yes, that Gemini. You're not always the smartest person in the room, sorry, and if these words don't let you in on that fact, then Mercury square Neptune will.
2. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
What you'll be finding hard to do on this day, December 27, 2023, is accept that something that you desperately wanted to accomplish by this point just isn't happening. What you are now faced with is the idea that an entire re-routing of your thought processes must take place. You had your heart set on something and now, thanks to Mercury square Neptune, it's not going to take place.
OK then, it is time to get ready for a new way of thinking, and what better time to start the action than the very last week of the year, right? Yes, that is sarcasm, but still, you know it must take place and you know that you can't dwell on your feeling of loss for too long. You had your heart set on something massively ambitious and well, it didn't happen. The shock here is that you firmly believed it would, and now, you're stuck with the after-effects.
You are a strong person, Libra, and you always have been, so you'll take it in stride. You're not about to stop, but with the help of Mercury square Neptune, you'll come to terms with the idea that all that marvelous energy of yours simply needs a new outlet, and that shouldn't be too hard to find, as you are one of the most creative types out there. Your talent and imagination rarely let you down. It's time to rebuild.
3. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
You may not like how it is going to go down, and with Mercury square Neptune at your back, you may like it even less. That's because what you'll be looking at a truth that you've been in denial of for quite some time. It's the 'end of year' blues that will be hitting you big time, but there's a truth to why you feel so blue, and it's mainly because you didn't accomplish something you thought was a 'sure thing.'
On December 27, 2023, you'll see that one of your dreams is coming to an end, and the truth is, you just didn't see it coming 'this fast.' That's what makes you feel unsteady; you feel shocked that it really 'is' coming to an end, and that only seems to resonate harder because the year is coming to an end as well. This might be business related, or it might even mean the end of a job or a particular career, but what is inevitable is now ... reality.
You are grateful that this 'event' isn't about your romantic life. Still, you are also particularly intent on having a great career, and being that changes are definitely taking place on that front, you might feel worried or unnecessarily challenged. During Mercury square Neptune, you'll spend more time worrying that you will actually have to. Don't worry. In this case, change is good and it will all work out for you, Capricorn.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.