3 Zodiac Signs Feel Ready To End A Relationship On December 18, 2023
During the transit of Moon square Mars, we may go too far.

It's the end of the year and everything has slowed down to a snail's pace, and many of us are either feeling bored to death by the pace or we're feeling anxious about getting it done and over with already. Just bring on the new year already so that we can breathe again. Ah, we humans, we're such a dramatic bunch, aren't we?
What happens during these 'bored' and impatient times is that to rouse up emotions, we start fights with the people we love. While that doesn't sound too good, we do it just to occupy our time with something that isn't mundane, and for couples who've been together for a long time, sometimes picking a fight is stimulating ... however, on December 18, during the transit of Moon square Mars, we may go too far.
If we aren't careful, three zodiac signs will take the drama to the max and say something we can't take back. This may have us thinking that we simply cannot love each other anymore. If we take to fighting just to alleviate boredom, then perhaps something is deeply wrong with the relationship. It will be during Moon square Mars that we might just feel we can't continue to love the one we're with.
Three zodiacs signs feel ready to end a relationship on December 18, 2023:
1. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
What gets your goat today is that you really aren't afraid to challenge your partner just to make things interesting. You will never be any different and you've come to accept that to love you is to love someone who likes to start fights now and then. You feel that if they said yes to that, then they have to deal with it, and during the transit of Moon square Mars, you'll be in fine form, ready for the fight.
It's December 18, 2023, and you are starting to feel as though the year is just dragging, and you, in your Gemini way, can't wait for it to end already. Sure, sure, you're down with the holiday spirit, etc., but is that all there is right now? Being that your levels of patience are now depleted, you have nothing to do but look to your romantic partner for escape. While you could easily make this a fun time, you'd rather opt in for hostility ... just because.
And, there's a good chance that if you've been with this person for any length of time, that they, too, are similar to you, in so much as they, too, like a good fight. It never goes too far, but you are clever with words, so it would be advised for you to know that during Moon square Mars, you might say something that actually does some serious damage. Avoid being too brash, if you can, Gemini.
2. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
One of the things that you tend to do now and then is test your limits. You like to see if you can push boundaries and test your romantic partner's patience. You do this when you get bored, though you'd never be one ever to admit such a thing could happen to you. You feel as though you are continuously amused by life. However, during these last days of 2023, you will be bored, annoyed and willing to challenge your partner just to get a rise out of them.
Most of this occurs because you feel egged on by the transit of Moon square Mars, and on December 18, 2023, the vibe will be one of instigation. You want to start a fight. You want to see what your partner will do if you push them the wrong way, and on some level, you think you have the right to, and worse ... you think you're being cute. You know you're not cute at all, but you think they will think so, and that really annoys your partner.
Moon square Mars is all about taking stances. That doesn't necessarily mean the stances we take are legit or even real, but many of us will want to take a stand and fight for it. In your case, Leo, the stance you'll take is the one that makes your partner very uncomfortable and ill at ease. You don't like making them feel this way, but you get a charge out of having enough power to do so 'just because.' Foolish games.
3. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
As it gets closer to Capricorn season and your birthday, you tend to feel less and less patient with your home life and your romantic partner. While you may readily admit that nothing is actually wrong, there's just something about today, December 18, 2023, and its transit of Moon square Mars that makes you want to bust out and start a fight with the person who is closest to you. As they say, 'You only hurt the one you love,' and today might very well be that day.
You are also well aware that your partner is no slouch and that they aren't there to just 'take it' simply because you're in the mood to just 'give it.' And, in some diabolical way, you know this and are instigating a fight simply because you know you have a worthy opponent in your partner. Maybe this is something you both agree upon; when times get dull, you fight just to release energy. People are strange.
During Moon square Mars, you're not the only one with the desire to instigate, so know that you may be the one who is challenged first. Just because you're feeling antsy and ready to rumble doesn't mean someone doesn't beat you to the punch and start a fight with you first. Ah, today is going to be full of emotion and action. Try not to get too attached to anything that takes place during Moon square Mars, as it's all fluff and very little content.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.